If you encounter issues with our website, please report them so they may be corrected in a timely manner. At Vung Tau, South Vietnam, the Regiment made an amphibious landing under the command of William W. Cobb, (34th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) along with 3,762 troopers. In the brief, but violent ground campaign that routed Saddam Husseins Army, one group of Blackhorse scouts, the 1st Platoon of Troop E distinguished themselves. In their honor, we add a spicy RICE WINE and MOTOR OIL (corn syrup) to keep our VEHICLIES and TANKS running. Modernization brought with it organizational change on a comparable scale. Hubert Brown on that day and has been donated by him to the Regiments museum. Captain Abernethy distinguished himself by intrepid actions on while serving with Troop L, 3d Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Direct U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War would result in 57,685 casualties. The Regiment was not deployed into the Gulf as a unit. Trailing the Regiment were elements of the First Cavalry Division and several Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) units. Our wreath laying will occur immediately following the 11 a.m. changing of the guard. One of the Forward Observers positions was in the Berdorf Hof (Hotel), providing a clear view down the main road into the village. Dallas, TX. The headgear is referred to as a campaign hat. It resembled a fedora with a crease down the middle of the crown. Buford* (Army Transport Service), arriving in Manila after a sixty-one day voyage which included passage through the Suez Canal. The Regiment once again unfurled its colors in Germany. Our role was training friends to stand against the Communist Bear. In the initial attack, Capt. provided over An enemy breakthrough at Berdorf would have given the Germans a clear road to Luxembourg. Many of these troopers died when the tanks collapsed and they were thrown into the burning oil. 1994, Germany Reactivated 16 Oct. 1994, Ft. Irwin, CA 56th Colonel Terry L. Tucker, 11th ACR Oct. 1994 June 1996 Last Colonel of the 177th Armor Brigade 13th RCSM Dennis E. Webster, 11th ACR 1994 March 1996 Last CSM of the 177th Armor Brigade 14th RCSM Carlton Martin March 1996 June 1996, 57th Colonel Guy C. Swan III June 1996 June 1998 14th RCSM Carlton Martin June 1996 June 1998, 58th Colonel John D. Rosenberger June 1998 June 2000 14th RCSM Carlton Martin June 1998 June 2000, 59th Colonel H. Mike Davis 21 June 2000 21 June 2002 Last Colonel of the 60th Guards Motorized Rifle Division 15th RCSM Steve Flood 10 August 2000 Oct 2003 Last CSM of the 60th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, 60th Colonel Joseph A. Moore 21 June 2002 22 June 2004 First Colonel, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 15th RCSM Steve Flood 10 August 2000 Oct 2003 First CSM of the 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 Second CSM, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR), 61st Colonel Peter C. Bayer, Jr. 22 June 2004 1 Aug. 2006 Second & Last Colonel, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR) 11th Armor Cavalry Regiment 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 Second & Last CSM, 11th Divisional Tactical Group (OPFOR), 62nd Colonel Mark E. Calvert 01 Aug. 2006 02 July 2008 11th Armor Cavalry Regiment 16th RCSM Ricky A. Pring 21 January 2004 10 August 2007 17th RCSM, Fred H Morris 10 August 2007 30 March 2009, 63nd Colonel Paul J. Laughlin 02 July 2008 July 2010 17th RCSM, Fred H Morris 10 August 2007 30 March 2009 18th RCSM Martin Wilcox 30 March 2009 2 March 2011, 64th Colonel Antonio Aguto, 30 July 2010 July 2012 18th RCSM Martin Wilcox 30 March 2009 2 March 2011 19th RCSM, Clinton Reiss, 2 March 2011 10 April 2012 20th RCSM, CSM Stephen J.Travers, 16 April 2012 19 Dec 2013 65th Colonel John Lanier Ward, July 2012 July 2014, 66th Colonel of the Regiment Kevin L. Jacobi July 2014 June 2016 21st CSM of the Regiment Carl Ashmead 12 March 2014 September 2016, 67th Colonel of the Regiment Joseph D. Clark 28-Jun-16 28-Jun-18 22 CSM of the Regiment Michael J. Stunkard Sep-16 24-Apr-16, 68th Colonel of the Regiment Scott C. Woodward 28-Jun-18 29-Jun-20 Interim RCSM while RSS CSM Nickia P. Haynes 24-Apr-16 16-Aug-19, 69th Colonel of the Regiment Todd W. Hook 29 Jun-20 17-June-22 23rd CSM of the Regiment Anthony Walker 16-Aug-19 2-Mar-22, 70th Colonel of the Regiment Timothy Ferguson 17-Jun-22 present 24th CSM of the Regiment Ryan M. McLane 2-Mar-22 present, 1st, 3rd Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 41st Colonel Donn A. Starry 2nd Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 39th Colonel George S. Patton Jr. 4th Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 52nd Colonel Thomas E. White 5th and Current Honorary Colonel of the Regiment 56nd Colonel Terry L. Tucker, 1st Honorary Regimental Command Sergeant Major 1st & 4th Regimental Command Sergeant Major Donald E. Horn 2nd Honorary Regimental Command Sergeant Major Sergeant Major of the Army, Kenneth O. Preston (USA, Retired), 11th Armored Cavalry (THE BLACKHORSE REGIMENT), Philippine Insurrection Vietnam Samar 1902 Counteroffensive, Phase II Counteroffensive, Phase III Mexican Expedition Tet Counteroffensive Mexico 1916-1917 Counteroffensive, Phase IV Counteroffensive, Phase V World War II Counteroffensive, Phase VI Normandy Tet 69/ Counteroffensive Northern France Summer-Fall 1969 Rhineland Winter-Spring 1970 Ardennes-Alsace Sanctuary Counteroffensive Central Europe Counteroffensive, Phase VII. The 2nd Squadron re-deployed to the U.S. in March of 1972, 13 months after the rest of the regiment. Commander 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. In testimony whereof this Grant of Arms is given under my hand at the Institute of Heraldry, U.S. Army, Camron Station, in the City of Alexandria in the Commonwealth of Virginia this the twenty fifth day of the August in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty one and in the independence of the United States of American one hundred and forty five. (then 1st Lt.) Fritz, Armor, U.S. Army, distinguished himself while serving as a platoon leader with Troop A, near Quan Loi. Construction of Camp Lockett (named for James Lockett, 4th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) in Campo, where E Troop had been posted in 1918, began in 1941. Previously, in June 58th Combat Engineers, Red Devils, was the first to deploy attached to 2nd BDE, 10th Mountain Division in Baghdad, Iraq. A line troop of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment pushes into a rubber plantation between Loc Ninh and Quan Loi , Vietnam during Operation Kentucky Cougar III. Vietnam Vets Return to Unit. On two separate continents the Regiment demonstrated cavalry panache and flexibility, performing its wartime mission within a tradition of unmatched excellence that no other separate brigade has been called on to perform. Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Under the terms of this bill the United States established and retains to this day a naval base at Guantanamo Bay. THE BEST OF THE BEST, ALLONS! The 11th Cavalry pushed on to the Elbe River, reaching it on 14 April. Under the provisions of title 18 United States Code Section 101-104 the Shoulder Sleeve Insignia here given having been registered and recorded in the Institute of Heraldry United States Army are reaffirmed from this date and hereafter may borne, shown and advanced by the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment as safe property of said insignia. Continuing in the NTC tradition of Lead, Train, Win, the Blackhorse stands ready to respond to any mission to which it may be called. 69-6 Dec. 69 4th RCSM Donald E. Horn 1969, *41st Colonel Donn A. Starry, Wounded 6 Dec. 69 22 Jun. Led by Harold M. Rayner, (16th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) the main body moved from the Presidio of Monterey to the Camp Seeley/Camp Morena duty stations. of us is with them always." Due to mission requirements and operations as an independent unit, the Chief of Staff, General Harold K. Johnson, in February 1967, authorized the warring of a distinctive patch. This represents the personal attachment of the Regiments insignia and a personal affirmation of honor and devotion to protect that symbol as safe property. Later, the M551 Sheridan was employed. As a small tribute, I ask that we observe a moment of silence and think back on your family members who have served in Americas Armed Forces or the nation of your ancestries or personal friends. On 1 May 1970 the Blackhorse stood ready to spearhead the Allied incursion into Cambodia. Today the El Centro/Camp Seeley area remains the home of the 11th Cavalry Horse Honor Guard (Historical) The Colonels Own.. Place and date: Near Loc Ninh, Republic of Vietnam, 6 January 1968. Crossing into the German heartland on 1 April, the 11th Cavalry resumed a flanking screen for XIII Corps. . While Brigadier General John J. And so, when men and horses go down Beneath a saber keen, Or in a roaring charge or fierce melee You stop a bullet clean, When the hostiles come to get your scalp, Just empty your canteen, And put your pistol to your head And go to Fiddlers Green. AND MAY NOT REACH OUR MEMBERS UNTIL LATE FEBRUARY. The 712th landed in France on D-Day + 23, and went into combat on 3 July 1944 on Hill 122, known as the most expensive piece of real estate in World War II, in terms of casualties. It was based on the training and experiences acquired at Fort Irwin, California. The end of the actual hostilities in the Gulf did not result in a return to normalcy. 2nd. One such item was this horse drawn munitions wagon recently recovered near Camp Locket, where the Regiment was stationed. It was not until summer 1905 that the Regiment served together for the first time when it was consolidated at Ft. Des Moines. Wreath-Laying Ceremony The Blackhorse Association's annual wreath laying, which honors our Regiment's birthday, will occur at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, February 2, 2023. Click Here, DUE TO UNFORESEEN DELAYS WITH THE PRINTING COMPANY, Our goal is to find ALL of our 69 2nd RCSM Daniel J. Mulcahey 3rd RCSM Paul W. Squires 1968 1969, 40th Colonel James Leach 6 Apr. They inflicted casualties of 350 known enemy dead while destroying seven tanks and three half-tracks. program is one of our most coveted programs helping our children and 68 1st RCSM Donald E. Horn 1967 1968, 37th Colonel Leonard Holder, Killed in Vietnam 12 Mar. (Transcribed 43 pages, ReeltR, cassette) In orders dated 16 May 1991, as part of the Operation POSITIVE FORCE, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed the 11th ACR to deploy immediately to Kuwait in order to sustain a presence there. The Regiment responded to those skeptics by developing innovative tactics, techniques, and procedures that established a reputation of a relentless fighter. master file of everyone we've found by their name, squadron and troop and Again our girls were waiting, bravely as could be; Allons and on towards peace we go, in glory live to see. The 11th Cavalry Memorial is located in Pattons' Park at Fort Benning, Georgia. Entered service at: Milwaukee, Wis. Born: 21 February 1944, Chicago, 111. ; NOW TRAINS TODAYS ARMY, ACTIVATED 16 October 1994 Fort Irwin, California. Company M and Howitzer Battery, 3rd Squadron, each additionally entitled to: BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: ROBERT L. DILWORTH Brigadier General, USA The Adjutant General. Disregarding the intense fire, Cpl. Five days later, when the fire had finally burning itself out, it was found that 26 men were missing from the rolls and several hundred were injured. Second and Third Squadrons left by way of New York on the U.S.A.T. Capt. This is a scan from a page of the Stars and Stripes newspaper from October 24, 1970. There are several accounts of the storage tank casings becoming too hot and collapsing inward tossing the troopers into the vat of burning oil. Wickam, distinguished himself while serving with Troop F. Troop F was conducting a reconnaissance in force mission southwest of Loc Ninh when the lead element of the friendly force was subjected to a heavy barrage of rocket, automatic weapons, and small arms fire from a well concealed enemy bunker complex. Frederick M. Franks, Jr. (50th COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT) joined the 11th Cavalry for the first of several tours. our youth. THE FRONTIER OF FREEDOM THE FULDA GAP 1972 1994, On 17 May 1972 the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment furled its colors and was reflagged as the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. During the inter-war period, Hollywood secured the 11th Cavalry to make war movies. . Redesignated as the 11th Armored Battalion, the 11th Armored Group, and the 11th Cavalry Group, Mechanized. VIETNAM & CAMBODIA. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander-in-Chief of the United States Central Command, visited the Regiment. WE HOPE THIS IS A ONE-TIME PROBLEM The reason for the hasty departure became apparent when, upon arriving once again in Newport News, Virginia on 1 March 1909, they were immediately ordered to Washington D.C. by train. * The 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia counts four members of the 11th ACR as Missing In Action (MIA). The 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, Pacific Air Forces distinguished itself by . Fritz was leading his 7-vehicle armored column along Highway 13 to meet and escort a truck convoy when the column suddenly came under intense crossfire from a reinforced enemy company deployed in ambush positions. The Army of the 1950s was a conscript force whose turnover rate affected every part of the Army. On 4 July 2004, the Regiment received deployment orders for Operation Iraqi Freedom. We fought in France, in Germany and in old Belgium too; Europe wanted to be free, the Blackhorse made it true. He also captured 1 Viet Cong who later provided valuable information on enemy activity in the Loc Ninh area. On 10 December, the entire Regiment was ordered to occupy the unfinished Camp Lockett. 1972, Wreath Unofficially nicknamed the "Third Herd," the division was first activated in 1941 and was active in the European Theater of World War II. They were the first conscripts to ride with the Regiment. Grand Rapids, MI. In 1968, Colonel George S. Patton IV (son of World War II General Patton ), commander of the 11th ACR in South Vietnam recommended to General Creighton Abrams that one squadron from a division and the other from theater command be issued the army's new aluminum tanks (Sheridans) for combat testing. An unidentified American soldier plugs his ear and ducks as a tank from the Third Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, fires a 155 mm Howitzer over his head, Chon Duanh, Vietnam, 1967. Realizing that his platoon was completely surrounded, vastly outnumbered, and in danger of being overrun, Capt. Years Blackhorse Allons ! Likewise, the 11th Tank Battalion stateside was re-activated as the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 1st Constabulary Regiment. Afternoons were devoted to mounted drill, one of which was known as the Monkey Drill. This maneuver required the Trooper to ride bareback hands free while putting his horse through various maneuvers. The unit baseline used for the research was a list of assigned and attached units of the 1st Cavalry Division that was compiled by Mr. William "Harry" Boudreau, Historian, 1st Cavalry Division . 2nd Squadron deployed in December 2004 to Babil Province, to conduct support and stability operations with the 155th Mississippi National Guard. Indianapolis, IN. Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii. By December of 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved. Crest On a wreath of colors or and sable a horses head erased sable. Usually two armored vehicles with 10 men would respond virtually without notice to any contingency along the border. First Squadron traveled overland and embarked out of San Francisco to Hawaii, Wake Island and then on to the Philippines. Far from it, the aftermath of Saddam Husseins defeat triggered an uprising of Iraqs oppressed Kurdish minority. page is constantly being updated to reflect new information as it their dates in-country. Col. Brainard S. 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