We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. These humanitarian spirits love being surrounded by all kinds of people, and once they learn how to connect with their emotions and let go of their stubbornness when it comes to their ideals, they will become the visionary and unconventional souls they are meant to be. Friends and groups are more important to you than family, but thats not a bad thing. If you discover they aren't all they advertise to be or misrepresent facts, you'll drop them and find another group that is worthy of your efforts. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. These people also like to be on the cutting edge of everything new, whether its technology or popular music. The Moon in Aquarius Man: Get to Know Him Better, Full Moon in Aquarius: What It Means And How To Take Advantage, New Moon in Aquarius: What It Means And How To Channel Its Energy, The Moon in Aries Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Moon in Aries Woman: Get to Know Her Better. A few examples include: The moon in Aquarius brings a various personality and emotional traits to each sun sign. She looks like she wouldnt care at all about the wellbeing of other people, at least emotionally so. Over time, this lets you build up a high level of emotional intelligence. Please leave a comment below and let me know. At other times, however, the Moon in Aquarius woman can identify and live out one of the best parts of her character: her bubbly enthusiasm for humankind. The Aquarius moon woman personality is full of surprises. You won't find Aquarius enmeshed in a scandal. Perhaps the most prominent personality trait of an Aquarius moon is the rich inner life you enjoy. But anywhere that allows you to explore new cultures and cuisines and seek inspiration is a good place to call home. It's just that the motivation for giving that care is a combination of logic and emotion. She loves to be surrounded by stimulating excitement and variety, and considers her friends to be each others best source of fun. A Capricorn has realistic ideas about love and has a traditional approach to love and romance that involves marriage, home, and children. Few things are bigger turn offs for you than someone who needs to check their phone every five minutes. That is why they had to find emotional support in other places such as their friends or other people who participated in their parenting. A Moon in Aquarius woman will feel well-protected in a way, when she is surrounded by like-minded people. Moon Cancer-Moon Gemini. Sometimes they will refrain from establishing a deep emotional connection out of fear of being rejected (which we talked about) or having their personal space compromised. As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases. It's important to you that she be intellectually interesting, opened minded and willing to try doing things she's never done before. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Instead, you'll simply pull away. There's a lot of buzz around this zodiac pairingso, are they hot or are they not? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. But when she's alone with her partner, her inner freak flag will fly. Rationalising and intellectualising what they are feeling is their defence mechanism. This denial keeps everything on an emotional even keel the way Aquarius moons need life to run. It brings me wisdom when I need it most and guides me through the darkness. He may be incredibly shy with women and will have a hard time letting loose. The Moon in Aquarius gives you a carefree, independent spirit. Being ruled by an air sign, they have an insatiable curiosity and a great sense of adventure. This combination of traits sometimes leaves her feeling misunderstood or isolated. They are the women who have visions of a better future, the activists. Your outlandishness is not well understood by those around you. Mental and emotional balance allows Aquarius to be generous and caring without getting too emotionally involved. They also expect a lot of space; they are emotional free agents. If Your Moon or Venus are in Aquarius - You're attracted to a woman who is independent, free-spirited and can be your friend. The way to her heart is good conversation and to make her laugh. Aquarius Moon women are often loners. Depending on her Sun sign, her independence may not be immediately apparent. While others may be intimidated by those differences, they ignite a flame in her. (243) $27.92. Expect to see an Aquarius moon woman setting new trends rather than copying them. They're nurtured around bright minds, especially those with unusual ideas. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If your moon sign is in Aquarius, it means you're thoughtful and nurturing. Because shes so independent and values freedom, pushiness, clinginess, and possessiveness will send her running fast. She doesnt subdue herself to her emotions, ever, and this means that you shouldnt expect her to be overly-romantic, affectionate, or cuddle with you, as her partner. Aquarius, on the other hand, needs involvement in the world and enjoys being in the flow of contemporary life. Because she is so original and unique, she tends to be extremely welcoming and inclusive of different people and makes room for them in her social circle. An Aquarius moon woman has an innate ability to relate to all kinds of people from different walks of life. They need their space and the freedom to do whatever they want. You described me to a T. I am also a loner, but I got many friends and Im kinda Bold and popular since high school. You love to talk and exchange opinions with others. But yes, no matter how helpful she is, her emotions are not programmed to receive gratitude from others through communication. The Aquarius moon person is very friendly, communicative and caring. When your moon sign is Aquarius, you tend to live most of your life in your own head and with your own thoughts. Rather, she observes and analyzes them introspectively, deconstructing and restructuring them as she sees fit, sometimes even eliminating them altogether. Slowing down their breaths and doing physical exercise will help them get out of their minds and into their bodies. Read on below for more information about these celebrities with Aquarius moon signs. This post may contain affiliate links. Your moon sign refers to which astrological sign the moon was in the exact minute you were born. 3 of 4. Even if it feels like her world is falling apart, from a logical standpoint, she knows she will be okay, and this is enough to carry her through. But the Aquarius free spiritedness and unconventionality may be tempered a bit by Capricorn's rigid and reserved nature. She seeks out friends who like to argue, debate and observe. The Voice Of A Generation. Summary. It also associates with the element of air and reflects qualities such as understanding, insight, and intuition. Although this made them feel pretty lonely, it is also something that made them feel superior in a way. If you were born with the moon in Aquarius, your emotional tide ebbs and flows. She loves to share what she learns with her friends and is eager to explore new perspectives. The 4 Types Of Aquarians You'll Meet In Your Life 1 of 4. The Moon in Aquarius man is attracted to: independence This sign forges its own path. These independent and detached women are not afraid of change as long as they are free to be who they truly are and do what they authentically want to do. Messy emotions are too chaotic and simply not very practical. She is extroverted and enthusiastic about life. Check out this article to find out how compatible these signs are in marriage, love, and more. Many of the Aquarius moon woman traits below are similar to that of an Aquarius sun. Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon Woman. Nevertheless, you find your own way to be of support, even if not everyone recognizes it. They use their creativity and originality to create their own unique styles and personalities. The Moon in Aquarius woman will help all those who need it, just like a good Samaritan, a humanitarian philanthropist whose sole mission is to bring about world peace. It is very intellectual in nature but can also get too caught up in the excitement of new ideas, making it unable to follow through with detail or practical application. While Aquarius moons aren't going to expend a great deal of emotion, it doesn't mean they can't be nurturing and thoughtful. It is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation, technology and freedom. She can easily get excited about the smallest things and believes theres a lot to be excited about. Shes not a big fan of showing her emotions in public, nor does she really like showing emotions at all. Brilliant, passionate, charming, and quirky, this air-sign woman dwells in the realm of ideas - often giving more credence to the elaborate visions of utopian society and how she believes things "should be" than to how they really are.. An Aquarian personality does not conform to any . She loves having new adventures, living life to the fullest, and making the most of every day on this earth. You are investing time in the right place to learn about it. The level of compatibility depends on the overall horoscopes, but matching moons is one way you can test your possible compatibility. Your moon sign is determined by what constellation the moon was in at the time of your birth. The Aquarius star sign individuals are known for their intellect and innovative thinking. In a love affair, this woman will meet her share of troubles because there are few people who can really understand and accept her seemingly psychopathic attitude. By nature, they are mild and pleasant to society, but they . No drama. If you are an Aquarius moon sign, you have no lack of emotions, but you often dont know how to appropriately express yourself and behave when others need nurturing. What does this placement say about your emotions, moods, or intuition? But shes not about to settle for less than she deserves or beg someone to stay when theyve decided they want to go. Its hard for you to imagine life without friends and other people around you. People with the Moon in Taurus have a strong character that allows them to work hard and hard to satisfy their interests and fulfill their wishes and plans, and the fact that the Sun is located in the Aquarius sign just means that they are human beings who are looking into the future. She prefers doing things this way because she knows what to expect. Learn More. Russell Crowe is an Aries sun sign with an Aquarius moon. Rather than noticing their differences, she can focus on their similarities and what connects them and establish common ground. Yes, you can be an excellent host. When they were little, their mothers didnt provide them with all the emotional support they needed. They're often perceived as standoffish and aloof, despite being extremely friendly and kind once you start talking to them.. Aquarius Moon is an imaginative being who loves conversation, especially about science and space. The Moon in Aquarius can make you a very loyal friend, and loves to be surrounded by people who will appreciate his intuitive genius. Your Sun sign reflects your ego, determination, and aspirations, but your Moon sign signifies your innermost thoughts. They are also good at reading people, so they can pick up on all the things that you dont say. Leo And Aquarius Compatibility In Love, Sex, And Friendship. This woman is known to follow her curiosity to the end, leaning on logic and facts as a roadmap to help her navigate the way. During their lives, they probably felt as if they didnt belong anywhere. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Women born under an Aquarius moon are fiercely independent souls. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. And she appears cold, robotic, functioning only on objective facts, manifesting a certain disinterest in socializing with people. An Aquarius woman is smart, independent, and highly intelligent. There is an innate need for someone who can challenge you while also entertaining you. Aquarius moon women make great friends or companions because they make those they spend time with feel more interesting. Capricorn Colors That Bring Good Luck and Power. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sometimes they are cold and reserved when it comes to intimacy due to their fear of getting attached. Once in love, the Aquarius Moon man is very protective of those he cares for and interested in their every move. This is a good influence for anyone working for a charity or any kind of noble cause. On the contrary, she is a very sociable and communicative person who knows how to approach and befriend other people. Were often reminded of how unique each sign is, but Aquarius takes it to the next level. They can get along well with others due to their helpful nature and desire to contribute. You are a true humanitarian, caring for all the people you encounter as though they were old friends. This is the personality of both a scientist and an artist. Although they are sociable, they are solitary at the same time. They especially describe the early influe. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. This combination can make you extremely difficult to reason with or responsive to a compromise. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Im happy the Aquarius moon archetype resonates with you Shanna . Because you have probably already mastered your emotions to a degree, it is difficult to understand the less controlled emotions of others. It does happen that they keep on pushing forward with the same idea, even though it may be wrong to do so, or they may not be correct in all regards, but its meaningless. This helps you recognize when you are overreacting to the situation at hand and keep your emotions in check. Aquarius is very social and loves exploring new ideas and theories, while Scorpio is passionate and intense. The Aquarius woman can be a little bit of a conundrum. This is a marriage of logic and passion. Aquarius' most compatible signs are fellow Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. Here is everything you need to know about an Aquarius woman before committing to someone with an Aquarius sun sign: Aquarius Woman Personality Traits. She tends to prefer to keep things casual until she is completely certain that the other person is worth her time. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Aquarius Moon sign people are natural humanitarians and are often involved in philanthropic causes of some kind. This moon sign propelled Marilyn's need for freedom. Moon Aquarius-Moon Pisces Your emotional rhythms and temperaments are rather different. It's often possible for intuitive people and astrologers to spot women (and men) with this placement fairly quickly because the energy of this lunar sign comes across as different.. And that's different in the sense that most people who posses it seem intense in their emotional natures because they . They love and need their independence and freedom to do and say whatever they want. They love meeting new people of all kinds, and they prioritise friendships over any other kind of bond. They also happen to be quite charming. Aquarius moon people tend to be good listeners. You tend to have a clear idea in your head of what you want to produce before you start, and then you will pursue it relentlessly until it emerges in the flesh. These women have a special love for working in jobs that require a collective participation, an exchange and where all points of views are respected. The Aquarius Moon sign is a sensitive and caring individual who floats through life with ease. It is also their love for diversity that helps them be friends with many people. Grandmamma moon changes signs roughly every 2.5 days. Aquarius Moon compatibility is best with someone who understands your need for freedom and independence, and who won't take it personally if you're not the touchy-feely type. In the bedroom, Aquarius men have a rich fantasy life. They have a dose of eccentricity and unpredictability in their character, although they usually tend to stick to the status quo and don't like making changes. They have the focus and practicality to assess an idea or thought and use logic and evidence to decide whether it has potential and is worth investing time and resources into. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Voice Of A Generation. The Moon in Aquarius natives are controversial, independent, and innovative. Aquarius is often believed by many to be a water sign, given the word 'aqua' in it. Aquarius Moon women are visionaries. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are - your individuality and sense of self. Tips for Dating a Capricorn Male (& What to Expect). They are called Aquarians and Aquarius natives. As a result, sometimes you dont pay enough attention to the small details that might help you understand what the people around you are thinking and feeling in the moment. They are the eternal social butterflies, seeking fresh experiences, new ideas and exciting people to interact with. If left unchecked, this can lead them to withdraw from authentic emotional connection and experiences out of fear of rejection. Some stars, like Ashton Kutcher, have an Aquarius sun and moon. Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which gives qualities of focus, perseverance and endurance. You value your independence and autonomy above all things. It can be very annoying and disappointing to notice that your lover treats you the same as she does the neighbor next door, at least in some regards, but this is who she is. If your moon sign is in Aquarius, it bestows you with thoughtful and nurturing attributes that don't necessarily comes from the heart. You have a keen sense of justice and what is fair, and are willing to give your time and energy to help the unfortunate. Her strong interpersonal skills and desire to explore new ideas make her one of the most interesting conversation partners. They have an attachment to being different. You cant give the best of yourself unless you feel nourished and cared for. A tendency toward friends-with-benefits situations or open relationships is not uncommon. When you confront them and get to the root cause of why you feel this way, you can heal this learned belief that is holding you back from emotional intimacy. You enjoy seeing how other people act and react. However, their mental and cold personality makes them pretty philosophically and ideologically stubborn, considering that everything has to go according to their ideals. Sally has been studying astrology since she was a teenager. Shani holds a mirror to your soul, so you can. Everything that cannot be seen by the eye. You often find that friendship blossoms into something more. She will help her girlfriends escape abusive relationships, but will never get too involved or judge. She may have odd domestic routines, or she may spend hours happily pursuing a niche hobby. They have to work on uniting their minds and emotions, without denying any of them. This means that you quickly build up emotional intelligence that lets you understand yourself and others. AquariesAstro. You don't relate to others through your emotions. Which one of these Aquarius moon traits resonates with you the most? aquarius moon compatibility. It is important for them to find a healthy way to express their eccentricity, feel free to invent and rebel, create a community and focus on alternative technology projects and the future. 2 of 4. 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