Tracey sat Harry down and swung him around so his feet were out from under the table. ", "I could defeat those two," Daphne stated with a derisive snort. she asked in shock. The ceremony will take "This really is for the best.". She turned and strode off. Namely these two lovely ladies. "No . Dumbledore looked from one face to another. permitted to harm their Lord, must be obedient to him, have limits placed on what they can say and do, even limits on how they can dress. After a moment of pause, Harry removed his robe and then his shirt. "After all, she still owns a bunch of Lockhart's books. ", "Then I am afraid that you'll have to talk here," Harry replied. "Once they become property, they cannot remain Slytherins. It's apparently an open secret around school.". ", Harry blew out a breath and headed toward the door. "The Yule Ball is tomorrow, so we can't do this then.". If needs be . "In that case, I suppose I'd have to use spells that couldn't be blocked," he finished with a shrug. "We were lucky on the first duel," Dumbledore muttered with a sigh. ", "Everything happening to us is perfectly legal," Daphne replied with a disgusted frown. . "Would you have listened to us without her?" We shouldn't have that ruined by the concept of pointless harems. He was counting on Harry's lack of visibility to keep him behind the shield to avoid the stunners, letting the spears break through and impale him. "I had hoped to keep the upper class Slytherins from turning to the Dark.". "Not much," Hermione admitted, for the moment putting aside the new term "full-blood". Harry dives in front of Sirius, taking a curse meant for him & sending him into the Veil of Death. "Now what?" Arrangements have already been made.". Embarrassing as it had been at the time, he was now fervently thankful that it had happened. Firewhisky and Rain 5. I know my parents love me, "Mr. Potter, now that I have all the facts, I must commend you for what you are Also, if we're still students, may Tracey and I join Harry for the dueling lessons "I refuse to debase myself with such a vulgar act," Draco protested. Tracey gave a disgusted snort. What do you want from me? ", "Stop!" ", Harry made a rude noise. "Ready, Pothead," he growled back, taking his place on the dueling stage. "Move aside. "I mean you getting married to someone other than Ginny. "Figures. ." "Is taunting Minerva really necessary, Severus?" A wizard known as James Michael has lived in Harry's shadow for years. "How is it ever for the 'greater good' for two innocent students to be sold into being sex slaves?" "I won't," Harry assured the two frightened girls. Harry shuddered internally. ", "I'm not trying to attack you," Neville reassured him hurriedly. Not all Slytherins are evil. One by one they are turned into James' sex slaves, and turned against Harry. "He is not your lord yet," Flitwick pointed out. "Have you actually seen Bellatrix?". ", Harry tilted his head. "This is much more restrictive than most I've studied in the past. "I don't mind the common room being in Gryffindor colors, but enough is enough. As this seems to be a common theme in the reviews, I'll make this clear. Just because we're both in the same situation and are willing to marry Potter, that "I won't like it, but you're going to try to convince me anyway," he audibly considered the situation. Also available as: Epub | pdf | mobi | lit | txt. even if I didn't see them a whole lot.". Tracey pulled the Deputy Headmistress aside and launched into the tale again. No, two. He turned to find Dumbledore standing behind him with a grave expression on his face. A blinding flash of light sealed Ginny as Harry's sex slave, and a metal collar with the Potter crest appeared around Ginny's neck and the chair under Ginny disappeared as the magic of Hogwarts acknowledged Ginny as a slave who would only be allowed seating at the wish of her master, Harry. He was already above the action just as the first spear was connecting to the shield. "I don't respect you," Harry replied. "You knew what they were destined for, didn't you? You must log in or register to reply here. For him, it was another day at the office. Harry x Harem. Like most boys his age there was a girl he dreamed of all the time. "Yes it was, and you know it if you would be honest with yourself," Tracey countered flatly. Not being pure-blood lowers my family's McGonagall barked. "Very well," Harry agreed as he gave the barest hint of a nod towards his opponent's direction. But you'll never guess what I need to tell you. She patted the bed beside her again. As the portrait swung open, Hermione continued, "Tracey and Daphne will be staying in the Head Boy rooms for a few nights. While it was not a Dark spell, it was a good "No, I don't want to do this; I want to spit on Draco's lifeless body, but that's not an option. sharply clapped her hands. "Too bad we can't do things the old fashioned way," Daphne said as she took Hermione's former seat. A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. the works i took references from were written by Shirowolf, mylittleflower and some other writers i don't really remember the names off. Tracey asked in confusion. "Well?" Snape turned and said loudly, "Change of plans, Potter. ", "Very few of them believed the article. Flitwick winced. They silently watched the door close. "Yes," Hermione hurriedly answered, blushing. ", "Ok," another female voice said, sounding nervous, "She'll let you go if you promise to listen to what we say. alright," she agreed. The perfect angel. a time and a place for Dark Arts as well as uses for purely Light Magic. Head Girl Hermione Granger was heading back to Gryffindor Tower from the library late one December morning when someone pulled her into a dark and empty classroom. Besides, I'm now your betrothed.". Don't show any mercy, and don't "However, no matter our status, please never call me 'my lord'. You've got nothing to worry about, just close your "If all else fails we can always kill ourselves.". But they might just lose themselves along the way. One of your precious lions is now a slave owner.". The only problem they saw going in "Is that true, Albus? "I think so," Tracy said. ", Harry sighed. Now, back to my situation: My children are potentially pure-bloods if the father is at least as pure-blooded as I am. "Their quarters are protected by spells that prevent any inappropriate behavior, Ron. "Though he phrased it crudely, Severus did have a point. I am not hating on the concept of the story here. For their part, they stood, nervously gazing back. Narcissa Malfoy, a confident woman, decides to seduce Harry, but in order not to risk ruining her friendship with Lily, she creates a false diagnosis that Harry must have sex several times a day.Harem/incest. Harry relaxed. She patted the space next to her. "Lead on, then. "My pardon, Miss Granger, but I cannot accept orders like that from a student, even the Head Girl," Violet said in a mixture of apology and clear confusion. What'd he call it? "As heir of a prestigious name like yours, you should know at least some of the basics.". She imperiously waved a gaggle of fourth year Gryffindors out of their space at the end of the long Harry opened his shirt to show ", Flitwick spoke up, "Technically, she is correct, though. She expected you two to end up marrying. Flitwick looked up and grinned. "I wouldn't do that!" "My family has been pure-blooded for longer than the Malfoys but not as long as the Potters were before you, Harry." and servants standing before their master. The girls grinned. (Proctor): "We will now begin the tenth question. ", "We don't think Granger would let you, even if you were so inclined," Tracy added with a weak smile. chattel. "Okay, that explains how you got into the situation. "You do know how to motivate a guy, don't you? purpose. It couldn't be hard to defeat those two. "Uh, news flash, Ron: Ginny's been dating Dean for a couple years, and I never dated her. ", Harry exchanged a glance with Dean. his own. She gave a wry grin. "As a fully accredited wizard, I can make that term to Snape." "Not that," Ron said, waving his hand. "Yes, but it isn't as bad as it sounds. The two girls continued to coax stories out of Harry for hours, slowly and haltingly getting a nearly unabridged version of his time in Hogwarts. "And he only does well there because Snape cooks his grades. him. You will have the usual debouchery that acompany this kind of workd, but not real smut. My first inclination would be to have Harry set off the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapon at each and every pureblood home in Bulgaria. finish it, for which I'm grateful. Features different men (mostly Harry) and women in various situations. ", "Yeah, I know." As the three were seating themselves, Hermione and Ron entered and sat together a short distance away. Harry asked incredulously. Part of the idea was that Bulgaria had massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery. Daphne nodded her agreement. lindbacken fastigheter . any way.". he asked yet again. ", "You mean the article in that tabloid was the truth? "Girls, please stop teasing me; it's hard enough the way it is.". ", "I couldn't set that term on my duel with Draco due to his still being a student," Harry corrected. You won't turn us into prostitutes or party favors like Draco ", "Have him come down and talk to us," Daphne requested. The four silently walked to the Great Hall, each lost in their own thoughts. ", "Something's happening," Hermione whispered, having kept her head up as she rubbed Harry's wrist and hand. Harry glanced at the clock. ", Hermione smiled slightly. "Potter wins," Flitwick announced to the shocked Hall. "I suppose not, but I'd have preferred to have known ahead of time. "You're supposed to return my bow, Potter," Draco sneered. Fair warning, it is a dark and tragic story that is a far cry from the usual Harry/Daphne fare. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. ", "You. But as tomorrow is the Yule Ball, and we all leave the castle the morning after that . "For your safety, I'd recommend having your dinner in your new rooms. Forever Knight is owned by: James Perriot and the Sci-Fi Channel I'll be facing you in the next duel.". ", Harry shook his head. "You three, please feel free to contact me with any questions or problems with which I may help you. It's not worth getting worked up about. She turned to Hermione. Could one of you please inform me?" "He cannot, Minerva," Dumbledore said with a twinkle as he regally seated himself behind the disused professor's desk. "Full-blood just means both parents are magical. The white-grey walls stood out ominously against the dark black of the night. I just rescued them from that. "Tilly! "I'm not sure I could defeat their champion. We would be inferior in all ways that matter to a real wife. ", "Malfoy's dad set it up that way. If I remember correctly it was in the news quit recently. "I was planning on going to the ball stag. Harry's was slightly hysterical, but nobody commented on that fact. "Have you no honor?". he asked them. [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published:2006-03-16 - Updated:2006-03-16 - 3936words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. ", "What?" She absently cast a cleaning charm on one of the old student desks and hopped up on it. A jet of flame shot out of Draco's wand towards Harry. "Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? She nodded. ", Daphne glared at Ron. She is your personal slave. As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. ", "Was that a yes?" I find myself noticing possible plotholes. Hermione fairly shouted at him. You don't have a lot of I was spelling it 'Voldermort'. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling Chapter 26: Patil As they were waiting for the sorting to begin, Ernie piped up and said: . darkest of families. "After that, we're relying on your influence to keep Potter from selling us off or offering us up in a duel of At six, bring dinner for three to these rooms.". There's way more important things to focus on: Like girls. After being betrayed by those closed to him, Harry Potter seeks power to ensure justice for all, by any means necessary. You can get Harry is sad. His wand is in hand as he sprints to the aide of his aunt. Harry Potter is owned by: JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Brothers Incorporated one minute to get here," Harry said with Daphne's prompting. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. "Open your shirt, Mr. I highly recommend you get to know your new ladies. "Did Professor Flitwick at least teach you how to block it next time?" Voldemort agreed to quit but only if I wrote a ten foot essay for Snape on the thirteen uses of frog spleens for potions. I mean, owning chattel? Turning to Harry, he sneered, "For the good of wizard-kind, I beseech you to use Contraceptive Potions before you . Erotica. Whole variety of stuff, plus being shrewd with the family "Then you were trying to take advantage of my background, assuming I'm ignorant?" Oh, hi, Hermione. . . ", Tracey looked bemused. The two Slytherin girls gave him a narrow-eyed look. For her, it was a mission. As they kissed, their breathing grew more rapid and they began to grope one another. "I was afraid of that. . silence. ", Ron shrugged easily. He might not do anything, after all. JAG is owned by: Donald P Bellisario, Paramount, and CBS Sick and tired of being beneath the legendary wizard, James begins breaking and enslaving many of the women in Harry's life. there will be times in which the MC will look OP but you will later realize that he isn't. It really would be much simpler.". Please, please don't lose.". "You owe me for this, Harry.". ", Potter shook his head. Preferably his. ", "Touch." ", "Remember," Daphne whispered, "you can legally kill him in this duel so long as you avoid the Killing Curse, and Draco will most certainly try to kill you. Jack Ryan is owned by: Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan Enterprises, and Putnam Publishing The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. called 'chattel wives'. "At least give me until the ferret scurries back in here," he whispered back to her. "Is this all really necessary?" I call it slavery under another name. "I rather thought it might be," Tracey said in a dry tone that only a seventh-year Slytherin could produce. You're the only one who is not only powerful enough to defeat Malfoy but who will likely treat us well.". "You're kidding?". Nothing is for certain, especially where the gods are concerned. When it's done, it's by the All four of them ignored the Great Hall full of watching, whispering students. with so little forethought. your mouth, that means that there is something you want to talk with me about, I'm not going to like it, but you're going to try to convince me anyway. It sounds as though the Bulgarian Wizard Government has got itself into a mess that not even the magnificent manipulations of that master Mandarin, Sir Humphrey Appleby, could get them out of. Harry Potter | This Is The Sequel To The Slave Free Ashlynn Marie Potter has finally found out who she is. ", "Maybe, but I bet - well, hope, I guess - neither of you snore like Ron. "Can they appoint a champion?" Tracey and Daphne glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. "Now, on to this contract. "What now?" "Severus assured me that is not how it would -". "And you were going to let them become little better than the toys of the upper class Slytherins?" "Albus, what were you thinking?" I challenge you two idiots to a duel with your betrothed as the spoils." "They can stay in the Ravenclaw Head Girl rooms," Flitwick offered. 9 Best Harry Potter Lemon Fanfictions 1. Especially if it's the second version. ", Daphne made a rude noise. Daphne rolled her eyes. The concept of receiving 'The Talk' from his Head of House While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. married again later if you wanted to. From beginning to end, the duel took less than fifteen seconds. The bedroom doors off of the common area aren't locked, but I'll knock before entering. "Hey, all you guys are invited to the ceremony, I guess. She stepped away from her attacker and turned, not releasing her wand. And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. He lived a normal life with his family. ", Tracey added, "You already know how much tradition plays a part in our society. I was just surprised. asked neutrally. "We're willing to do anything - and I do mean anything - within the bounds of our betrothal contracts.". one of the Head Girl quarters?". 4. "Providing of course you remove your vest. "I've been brought up to be a proper wife for a pure-blood. skuggans caf lngtora. "I forbid it," Dumbledore shouted, nearly in a panic. Everyone in the room stared at him. his connection to the Potters. "Which is why Malfoy got to do the job in the first place.". "Oh, that's why you stopped me from -". any armor. Well, you're going to get roasted for this. Two Valentines 3. He groaned as the three girls continued working. time to decide." return. "My life is an open book. "You know Mum. ", Ron shrugged. Tree's circled the house as if hiding it from view, a dirty path led into the house then away into the tree's. I couldn't help it, I started to shake. "Fil?" The two girls shared a long look, surprised by the information. After a cursory glance, the Slytherin girls ignored the two Gryffindors. So polyjuicing into somebody else to avoid the scandel of the 'Boy-who-lived' endorsing the slave trade, Hermione's parents have NO idea what happened to her, well after their memories are concerned anyway. In case it matters, we've been almost evenly split between Ravenclaws and Slytherin. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, and Tonks realise they are suffering from a very special kind of life debt, and must perform the most depraved acts imaginable to settle them. "Point taken," Hermione admitted with a scowl. "Mumph." Flitwick shook his head. ", Not giving the Head Girl time to respond, Tracey turned. had more than enough of being entered into contracts without my knowledge or consent back in fourth year. Hermione asked. Perhaps we could put the two of you up in Dumbledore asked. ", "Sneer and imply that he's unsure of his magical powers if he does," Daphne suggested. If you say so, she will do "Let's get something cleared up. No we shouldn't. "Why?" It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. After a moment, Flitwick said, "It makes sense. If you win, I'll finish the job tonight." she asked, looking toward the door. The Slave 56 pages Completed October 6, 2013 Jadyn Harry Potter | Slave Upon looking at the index, he found that the chapter about slaves was Chapter 9. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. You're going to be my spouses, aren't you? She has her brother and her friends, but will that be enough with the new downpour of enemies she has made? Slaves, and do n't respect you, '' Draco sneered our betrothal contracts. `` tomorrow... Get roasted for this, Harry Potter and a variety of women from fandoms... 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