To the church, wherever you are and whoever you are, ask God for a heart of compassion for the least of these, and help the world see that what they truly need is found in Christ alone. So after resolving in my heart to go, I exited my car and walked away from the streetlights, towards the looming bridge ahead of me. The problem is, thats not true. Jesus or Jesus Christ is mentioned approximately 968 times. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people think He taught about the most. 31. We arranged to meet at the park across from the bridge, and as I approached the park with Lyman, I noticed that the park was filled with people. Hypocrites and hypocrisy (20), leaven of the Pharisees (4). The anger and wrath of God was a consistent theme in the old testament, which gave way to love in the new testament. It was as if I was given permission to speak in their lives. By faith, Abraham had to leave his land and family and go to the land that God would reveal to him. It shouldnt surprise us that Jesus, who was God, taught mostly about God and His Kingdom. God revealed himself through angels, prophets, and apostles, who spoke for him. Thank you. Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. From the beginning of Scripture to its end, God continually makes himself known. Paul saw the resurrected Christ, founded many churches throughout the Gentile world, and eventually wrote almost half of the New Testament. The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40. Consider what he said: What shall we say then? ), and numerous congregants improperly dressed.You blog is refreshing beautification for the soul. Browse Bible. That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth. His teaching through the apostles is revealed in the epistles, and finally, his wrath over sin and eternal kingdom is revealed in Revelation. These things happened to them as examples and were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come. While this certainly isnt the most common topic it is one that surprises many people. Abrahams son, Isaac, had twinsthe older was Esau and the younger was Jacob. The Old Testament veils Christ in prophecies and types, while the New Testament reveals Christ. It was also part of the names of all the archangels, such as . We should use the context of the Bible to help us understand each verse and not just rip a verse out of context to prove . It is a fascinating study with no one right answer. An 'apostle' in Nigeria just said that"people from all other the world, America and everywhere keep writing him telling him about proper adornment." God revealed himself through the person of Jesus Christ, his Son, who lived on the earth 2000 years ago. Those who reject Christ will suffer both present and eternal consequences for their sins. Only four of them dont involve a fallen world: the first two and the last twobefore the Fall and after the creation of the new heaven and new earth. Why is the Scriptural theme of election so controversial in the church? God's created order started with the perfect garden (Garden of Eden) and will be consummated in the perfect city (New Jerusalem). Finally, God also reveals himself through biblical history. Finally I asked them a question: What do you need?. It often surprises Christians when they discover just how much the Bible talks about money. Look up your topic. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of the forbidden tree. The more I asked myself, Why isnt someone doing something? the more I asked myself, When will YOU do something? I cried. How is election presented throughout the Old and New Testament? He has chosen you to be his people, prized above all others on the face of the earth. Because in Christ alone, our hope is found. We should use the context of the Bible to shows us the point of the message and not just a singular verse. The answer to this is speculative and based on your understanding of the scriptures from the bible. God blesses those who trust and obey his Word. 6. Thats the Gospel message. Rather he speaks in parables and illustrations. From the very beginning of Jesus ministry the focus was on the Kingdom He was establishing. The Life-Giving Word 5. Both groups were guilty of ignoring the pain and suffering at our doorstep. What are other major themes of Scripture? Out of all the nations on earth, Israel was called to write all but two of the books of the Bible (Luke and Acts); they were called to have Gods presence dwell among them in the tabernacle and later in the temple. We highlighted some of these more popular topics below. The history of the early church is essentially how God used bad for good, as persecution itself led the church to spread its message throughout the world. Did Jesus talk about money? As we approached the park, a group of the gang members riding bicycles came towards us and started to circle around us. Let me put it this way, eleven of Jesus parables do mention money however eighteen of Jesus parables mention food. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people. The dove is mentioned in the Bible more often than any other bird (over 50 times); this comes both from the great number of doves flocking in Israel, and of the favour they enjoy among the people. Answer. The Most Quoted Verse in the Bible. God felt distant, and I became more and more restless in my pursuit for greater intimacy with him. These writings remain for all people to read in Scripture. Is there injustice with God? The Scriptures 2. Even the podcasts I listened to were speaking aboutthe poor. Having Peter's undivided attention, Jesus spoke of the eventual crossing of Peter's own finish line. Then I witnessed the injustice firsthand, when a homeless patient died under my care. note: These were not necessarily teachings about God. I felt powerless. The Old Testament was written for the most part in Hebrew, with a small percentage in Aramaic. With barely any light, I walked through the narrow dirt pathway, announcing my presence. I don't have my bible in front of me at the moment but I. I walked the entire thousand-foot path under where two bridges met, and I arrived at the very end of a Y-shaped bridge. This is seen throughout the Scripture and without an understanding of this theme, many become confused or consider God as being unfair. In Exodus 6:3, God tells Moses how He appeared to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob using the name El Shaddai, which means "God Almighty." He did not reveal Himself to them by the name Yahweh. I needed to be a voice to the voiceless, a defender of those who are helpless, a liberator to those trapped by addiction and injustice. Christ in All the Bible Section 2 Sin; Its Origin, Results, and Remedy 6. I thought Id include one more topic that Jesus regularly talked about. Why did it seem like God was shrinking away when I was more active than ever in my faith? That night after Brandon passed away, I drove down Bellinghams busiest street downtown. Here are five ways you can make a difference. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not witherwhatever they do prospers. All rights reserved. There is very little written about Jesus's life as a child, specifically the age between 12-30, in the Bible. So, what did Jesus teach about the most? Which path will you choose? Rather they are an illustration that points to the larger truth. Because of their faith in him, God made them ten times wiser than all the wisemen in Babylon and promoted them to high places in the Babylonian government. In the reading, which covenant stood out most to you and why? With every step I took down that long dirt road, my heart beat faster. He is painting a picture that uses some artistic liberties. I invited them to pray as we held hands and closed our eyes. Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. The Bible sees what happens to mankind in the light of God's nature, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, and love. In Job 29:125, Job attributes all of his success, blessings, and joy in life to loving and befriending the poor, the needy, and the victims of injustice. Not surprisingly, Jesus Christ is the name most mentioned in The Bible. While this certainly isnt the most common topic it is one that surprises many people. Likewise, Romans 8:28 tells us that God works all things for the good of his saints (paraphrase). While all these things will occur during this period of 490 years, this 490-year period is not consecutive, but broken up. Id love to pray with you guys if you would let me.. Ive seen God change hundreds of lives, seen and heard stories Ill never forget. Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Cain, the older of Adams first two sons, murdered Abel. The Bible promises blessings to those who love the least of these (Matthew 25:3440). The word, "Lord" is the most popular noun used in the Bible, occurring 7,365 times. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. The first prophecy was proclaimed immediately after the fall. However, the controversy does not revolve around whether God elects. We spend too much time picking what to study next. However many, specifically pastors, have overemphasized Jesus teaching on money to prove their point. Make disciples (1), be My witnesses (1), until you leave that town (1), whatever city or village you enter (1), sent (76), send out (2), lost (13), sheep (29), preach, preaching, preached (14), going through the cities of Israel (1), sowing seed (1). From the Ten Commandments, the first two are: love God above all, love thy neighbors as you love yourself. Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid; for God has come in order to test you, and in order that the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin.". As holy and righteous, God judged Israel for their complaining, idolatry, and sexual immorality, and these stories are included in Scripture as warnings to us against committing the same sins. "The call to place a faith commitment in Christ is the purpose for God sending Jesus here and for giving us the Bible." 5. Joshua 24:2 says, Here is what the Lord God of Israel says: In the distant past your ancestors lived beyond the Euphrates River, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor. If I could sum up Jesus message it would be the Kingdom of God is at hand, AND Ive made a way for you to enter. After renewing the earth through the flood, God started over with Noah and his family; however, eventually humanity rebelled against God again at the Tower of Babel. They were invisible to the people around them. It played by a different set of rules. His story is told in the Gospels and the advance of his church is told in Acts. Colossians 2:16-17 says: Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath daysthese are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ! The food laws, holy days, and festivals were all just pictures foreshadowing Christ himself. I responded, No, my name is Jon, and this is Lyman. And this is just one example of many of how we misuse Scripture. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, The Bible Teachers Guide, The Bibles Uniqueness: An Introduction To Scripture. The love of the Father who could give her an identity far above the sin and abuse in her life has given her. God bless you. He blessed a young boy named Daniel and his Jewish friends who, in Babylonian exile, refused to compromise their faith by eating defiled meat. With surgical wounds covering his chest and a pool of blood around his hospital bed, I held his hands and sat with him. You will say to me then, Why does he still find fault? Current topics include "Knowing God," "The Problem of Evil," "The Plan of God," "The People of God," "The Fruit of the Spirit" and "The Armor of God.". In fact, you could make a strong argument for this being his primary message that everything else was centered around. In addition, in Genesis 12:1-3, God promised to bless Abraham and make him a great nation if he left his family to journey to a land which God would show him. [17] John Wycliffe produced the first translation of the entire Bible from Latin Vulgate into English. The rest is the chronicle of the tragedy of sin.1 This theme is repeated over and over again. Lamech, Cains son, murdered another man. Dear Keren-Happuch Zoe, you're welcome. Im not a police officer, but I am here to tell you Jesus loves you, and he is not angry with you. So, oftentimes He contrasted earthly rulers and kingdoms with God and his kingdom. It was time to go where no one else was going. Its a requirement for a healthy and fulfilling life of following and emulating Christ. What animal spoke in the Bible? While I was busy admiring high-profile pastors and famous worship musicians, there were un-famous people in my own backyard who nobody cared about that were dying of starvation, hypothermia, and sickness. We will consider some of those here. As a predominantly Christian people, Westerners think they know the Bible pretty well. This list of the top ten most mentioned names in the Bible comes from The Bible Answer. Now, there is obviously controversy over the topic of election. In addition, God abundantly blesses his children who, by faith, obey him. Psalm 19:9. The group broke off and the leader replied, Uhh, naw were cool. They rode back to the rest of their friends. Whatand WhenAre the 12 Days of Christmas? And He spoke a lot about the Name of the Lord, which ranked as His thirteenth most frequent topic, including the Father's Name, Jesus' Name, and the Name of the Holy Spirit. The two talking animals in the Old Testament commanded the attention of several authors of New Testament books, who The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be. Journeys: These guided tours through the Bible give you daily inspiration. As mentioned, God reveals himself by creating the heavens and earth, including people. Over the years, we have noticed many of our visitors ask questions that are similar. How should believers respond to the theme of election according to Scripture (Matt 11:25-27, Rom 11:33-36, 1 Pet 1:1-2)? Top Contributed Quizzes in Religion. Want to help the homeless in your community? What did Jesus talk about the most? Mary, Martha and Jesus ( Luke 10.38-42) Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead ( John 11.1-44) The parable of the prodigal son ( Luke 15.11-32) The parable of the rich man and Lazarus ( Luke 16.19-31) Zacchaeus the tax collector ( Luke 19.1-10) Mary anoints Jesus' feet ( John 12.1-8) Jesus or Jesus Christ is mentioned approximately 968 times. And Jesus did talk a lot about money, but he didnt teach about it in the way that you might think. I felt a weight lifted and the tension loosened around my shoulders and neck. What Im getting at is money is not the focal point to many of those 11 parables. God wrote the Ten Commandments with his finger. 20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions (Topics) Search Tips. We saw his glorythe glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father. My friend Lyman (who Id been frantically texting earlier) finally responded and said that he wanted to join me in whatever it was that I was doing. It was a warm summer night when I stood on my balcony, looking up at the stars. The Bible speaks on the poor, the widowed, and the destitute about 3,000 times. It is a mystery. After four years of drug abuse and being part of a gang, I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and went on to serve as a missionary for two years in a First Nations reservation in the Northwest Territories of Canada. In Romans 9, Paul clearly makes the argument that God chooses based on his sovereignty alone and nothing inherent in people. (Isaiah 1:3) _____ 6) Lion: 144 times mentioned in the NIV - Number 2 on the Top Ten Most Significant Animals in the Bible. He makes me brave, he makes me strong, and with him, I have nothing to fear. It was not nearly as profound as I intended. A Abundance Acceptance Accountability Addiction Adversity Alcohol Anger Anxiety Attitude Authority "Anger" Appearances in the Bible. Up the incline where the hill met the road of the bridge were more tents, hidden in the dark. He used a young boy named David to defeat the hero of the Philistines, while all the trained, battle-seasoned soldiers were demoralized and afraid. I could no longer be a bystander in this painfully lop-sided war for justice. Most Christians have a very mixed relationship with money. God simply chose Abraham based on Gods sovereignty. Church Planter. What is mentioned most in Bible? Jesus emphasized that His kingdom was different. Why, then, did God choose Abraham? Death is so deeply personal a. What is the most mentioned subject in the Bible? Scripture is full of such promises: Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Jesus is mentioned 973 times, Christ 555 times, and both a total of 1,528 times. Pastor. . Likewise, Noah was obedient and faithful, a righteous man who walked with God. All comments will be evaluated before publishing. What are the main themes of the Bible? He showed how God stood in starch contrast to the other gods. They were ignored. Jesus spoke about money roughly 15% of his preaching and 11 out of 39 parables. Here is the breakdown, which you can read in Daniel 9:24-27. Likewise, Scripture tells of many heroes who experienced Gods favor because of their faith and obedience. In fact, in the law God gave Israel, he said this: You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children to the third and fourth generations of those who reject me, and showing covenant faithfulness to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. Proverbs 21:13 warns us that we too will be ignored by God if we ignore the cry of the poor. Depending on how you count it you will get different answers. Those who reject Christ will suffer both present and eternal consequences for their sins. Selecting the topic's title will take you to the corresponding entry in our alphabetical topic listing with previously answered questions, associated articles, and links to related topics. Todays guest post is by Jon Ng, ministry director of Rising Hope Street Ministry. Wife of Abraham; gave birth at age 90. Finally, the messiah came through their lineage. Consider the following verses: You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me, Then he said to them, These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.