AwanaAyat EmasBible BeeBible BowlBible Foundation (India)Bible Memory Association (BMA)Bible QuizzingFountain of Life (Philippines)MemverseSing 250+ verses (Indonesia)STT Setia JakartaSTT Setia LuwukSTT Setia NiasTopical Memory System (TMS)Quote 1.OOO Verses (Indonesia)Upton Lake Christian SchoolVerse LockerYour ChurchYour School or publish a new post, which will be usually-brief discussions about an aspect of the Bible the Lord, life, news/current events as seen through a Biblical lens, etc. And Ill dedicate my entire life savings to getting started but YOU are going to have to cause enough Lord-led like-minded Bible-loving believers to even hear about this and then support it because my life savings alone would only last a number of months and Im going to need several years even WITH Your holy help, due to the sheer volume of Your written utterances and my own utter inadequacy., God: Good, My child. You see, in the physical realm, the more water you pour into a glass, the less capacity it will have for more water to be added. 4. THE SOUTHLAND STORY. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory PHASE 1: Memorize the ENTIRE Bible as a love/thank You gift back to Him and also to prove, to demonstrate to the world the utter and tangible power and benefits of the ingested (memorized) Word of God! We seek to amplify Black voices in business while building a community of inclusivity. Well, please dont deem me a prophet or mind-reader because it doesnt take either of those qualities to realize that 99.9999% of people and sadly 99% even of Christians dont memorize the Bible on a regular basis IF EVER! That verse that I had to learn when I was doing a BMA: Bible Memory Association, or Awana, or Navigators, or had to learn it for some class that I haven't . Its a true honor & blessing to have you here! We've designed our Bible memorization courses to be age appropriate (pre-school to college levels). Bible Memory Association, Inc. Overview. See also Proverbs 1:7 and Ecclesiastes 12:13. The MORE you pour into your mind, the MORE capacity youll have for additional verses and chapters and books to be added! BMA stands for Bible Memory Association. The Bible was written as the illustrated guide, the examples to follow of every doctrine that God wants us to know how to apply, He applies it in someone's life. Wrong! directory and map of BMA congregations along with a limited amount of contact information. Think of it this way. Did your school encourage or empower you to memorize Gods Word? Receive our Scripture memory tips, encouragement, and resources. Undoable. Bible Memory Association International (BMA) Search Open Yearbook. CONCLUSION: If you like what youve heard here and found yourself nodding in agreement several times, please read on. (NOTE: It has been configured so neither I nor anyone else will ever even see your credit card information, only PayPal, the most secure and trusted payment processor on the planet.) I thought for sure Id find several people who had done this before, surely at least ONE person in the past 2,000 years who verifiably has memorized and recited the entire Bible. To the nature and detrimental, destructive, and indeed deadly consequences of sin (Romans 6:23). VSP was developed to provide longer term voluntary service opportunities to youth and adults, 2021-22 Biblical Mennonite Alliance | All Rights Reserved. Also, volunteering with AWANA to listen to kids' memorizations helps keep you fresh. November 10 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report Stay tuned for further details about this. I look greatly forward toshowingyou how to get there, how to make this happen not only in YOUR life but also those of your children and/or loved ones. Everything stays in sync! But thankfullyPsalm 19:7-8doesnt stop there! In the booklet, there were these verses on The God of Unchangeable Grace and Truth: Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth to all generations. Other books are collections of verses relating to various subjects. When I say partner I mean it all who provide such crucial financial assistance to help fund this history-making effort and resultant ministries can expect to receive the following: 1.) 5. Copyright . Join Families for Bible Memory today and get started renewing your mind with His holy word. Its totally FREE and youll automatically be notified each time I post a new video (e.g., like each time I finish memorizing a new book of the Bible, so you can follow my progress each step of the way!) Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose. Or more accurately in this case, history in the making. PHASE 2: After memorizing all or at least the vast majority of the New Testament, the next step will commence and entail totally changing the emphasis of this website from seeking one-time and especially Monthly Partners so as to get and keep this going to just giving back by meeting the needs of others, to fulfill the law of Christ by bearing the burdens of others (Galatians 6:2) and serving one another (Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10). Not because ofmebut because of how much of the BIBLE Im actively pouring into my mind and life each and every day which Lord-willing (and Im certain that He is!) . To their utter missing out yet few if any are even aware of this because nobody has trumpeted it from the proverbial mountaintops but with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that! And I couldnt be any more thrilled about that! that will make it SUPER EASY (and fun) for virtually ANYONE Visit our website to find out more information about upcoming. Permanent Award: Did you know that the Bible teaches that when you support a ministry or related God-useful cause, you actually and literally SHARE in all of the fruit? Still other books contain several chapters of a Bible book or even an entire book. Using The Bible Memory App. Become a one-time or monthly partner by making a donation via PayPals fully-secure Bible Memory page! Im willing to make YOUR happiness MY responsibility. It has become like both oxygen and blueberries to me: I need it and want it. Keep up with the latest events and happenings around Biblical Mennonite Alliance. But theres even more to this story. Spreading the Word by spreading the word! baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you Matthew 28:19-20a. Ever. People who participated in the scripture memory program by BMA and/or went to any of the BMA camps including Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, New York, California or others. And memorizing the entire book of 1 Peter was EVEN EASIER! He is revealed to us as Father, Son. 24th Annual Ministerial Enrichment Weekend. Many people will (mistakenly) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of Scripture must be some sort of super saint. Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. How could this be? BMATS is a Baptist theological seminary with a rich history of more than 60 years training leaders to thrive in a wide range of vocational ministry roles and theological careers. And I cant think of anything grander than that! about this amazing and historic project, which will greatly interest people of all backgrounds and beliefs if even just on a human intellectual level. The Bible Memory App is the only complete Bible memory system that makes it easy for you to Memorize, Organize, and Review verses. In my Bible reading this morning, I was in John 15. Scripture Memory Fellowship (once known as Bible Memory Association, or BMA), exists to help Christians plant the Word deep in their hearts. Get to it! VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 2 PETER from memory Oodles times a trillion. / Chrome . THE MOST subscribed-to YouTube Channel, so please SPREAD THE WORD! And it wasnt that hard, it wasnt nearly so scary as I had thought when first starting out. Contact us. I'm DJ Bible and I'll be your host. Please see the Side or Bottom Panel for several ways YOU can be part of this historic event! Stay tuned. but verifying the legitimacy of this project is exponentially more important, so without further ado, VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of TITUSfrom memory : We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; that He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. . This finding is literally historic, and indeed the closest thing to a bona fide miracle in recent history of which Im aware: its verifiable, its tangible, and due to the living and active nature of the Bible (Hebrews 4:12) its even repeatable. by clicking on this image! Back to that Google research project. Im trusting the Lord to lead like-minded Bible-loving believers to serve as His arm, His hand, His fingers from heaven by supporting this historic effort and resultant ministries, please become aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the little box on that PayPal page, tellyour friends, relatives, fellow congregation members and even co-workers, a very defined METHOD for memorizing and retaining Bible verses (or. Ill delve into all of that in great depth in future posts but for now it will suffice to say that I started out memorizing various Bible verses in a sporadic manner based on the curriculum of those various programs but now I do so on a regular, systematic basis, i.e., verse-by-verse, book-by-book and what a difference that has made! Imagine if you wrote a love letter to someone you were dating at the time, and one day that personquoted your entire love letter back to you from memory! Perhaps in Bible Bee or Bible Quizzing, Bible Bowl, Awana, Scripture Memory Fellowship (SMF), The Navigators, Bible Song, Scriptoriums, Seeds Family Worship, Bible Memory Association (BMA), or perhaps with another Scripture memory program, maybe even with a Scripture memory program I have never heard of that you can introduce us to. Our purpose is to see the salvation and growth in Christ of men, women and children through the memorization of the Holy Scriptures. to demonstrate and unleash these truths and benefits in YOUR life, too! If not, feel free to contact us directly! BMA Seminary has been approved to participate in the National Council for State . You see, when I first set out to memorize an entire book of the Bible, the New Testament book of James (because of how practical and easily-applied it is, so given to daily application, almost like a shorter version of the Old Testament book of Proverbs), well, to say that it was a daunting task would likely earn me an Oscar nomination for Biggest Understatement in a Supporting Role. When you're ready, click the register link to sign up for free. Welcome to BibleMemory.ORG! SwordGrip Scripture Songs - The Complete Set (USB Drive), SwordGrip Scripture Songs: Proverbs to Malachi CD (ESV), SwordGrip Scripture Songs: Proverbs to Malachi CD - ESV (Digital Download), Beginner Adult 2: Prayer Memory Book & CD, The Classics: 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know (booklet + verse cards). They can take away my Bible, but until they come with an ice pick for my frontal lobe, I have a lot stored in my puny brain. }); Which exists to serve and help and bless and pray for and minister and listen to you in any way possible, and for the next month or two to find like-minded Bible-loving believers who would like to sponsor this monumental and historic effort. Virtually without exception, God doesnt literally reach down His arm from heaven anymore like He did in the Old Testament. The Alliance has committed itself to the local and world-wide propagation of God's inerrant Word in order to provide fellowship, instruction, and accountability for its members as well as church . By the way, this would be a great time to let you know that as Ive been memorizing Scripture, a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus, which, as noted above, I can testify firsthand is making it MUCH EASIER for me to memorize and retain not just the Bible but EVERYTHING: to-do lists, schedule and meetings, various events that occur, etc., a true sponge effect! How could it be that the more I stuffed into my mind, the more I was then able to pour in? It has taken my life to a whole new level. Found in: Evangelism & Missions Archives / Collection 651 Oral History Interviews with Mary J . Printer friendly. While the specific extent of this phenomenon might vary from person to person, the essence of the Word does not. I kept finding myself in the shoes of David when he wrotePsalm 116:12asking, What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? and for years Ive been thinking of a good way some way, ANY way to give something back to Him to express the love and appreciation I and countless others feel for Him, for all He has done and just for who He is. As I got older my entire family was intimately involved in church we were there every time the doors were open and sometimes when they were not (we had keys ). We even had a Bible Club in our home every Saturday for years (ten or more) where a group of BJU students would come and teach Bible lessons in our home. Testimony, Would you like help spreading Gods Word in your area or around the world? As I began telling people about this new life-focus the Lord has laid on my heart, virtually every single one of them immediately asked how they can help out, how they can support this effort and resultant ministries, so I put together a list of four distinct ways, three of which ANYONE can do and are totally FREE! $5.00 . Box 1188, Conway AR 72033 Physical: 611 Locust Ave., Conway AR 72034. 2.) Bible Memory Association International Publisher - 6 works / 0 ebooks Published between 1980 & 1982. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 1 PETER from memory It hits me virtually every day how good the Lord has been to mankind in general since the beginning of creation and to all His children in specific. The 2023 Church Planters Institute will be held May 19-21, 2023 at Sunnyside Mennonite Church, Kalona, Iowa. Its still coming together but seems to be getting close to the point that it can be rolled out. The ABC Memory Book is the most popular memory book for preschoolers. $3.75 . 2. Welcome to BibleMemory.ORG! Abbreviation to define. The Commission contact information is: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA, Telephone: 412.788.6505, Fax: 412-788-6510, Website: Still other bookscontain several chapters of a Bible book or even an entire book. Members (3): Ethel Riddle / Bookkeeper Thomas Callahan / Executive Director Barbara Echevarria / Manager. There are also different types of books. It clearly states that the Bible restores the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, and enlightens the eyes. It was a place where young people and adults alike came as a result of completing a scripture memory plan that they worked on throughout the year. And this amazing power is exponential in nature: I saw a large increase in capacity from James 1 to James 5, but double or triple the capacity by the time I finished memorizing Hebrews 1-5, and then quadruple or quintuple the capacity by the time I finished memorizing Hebrews 6-10, and so on. Not just a gift from me, butfrom and on behalf of everyone who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with me in this project and resultant ministriesby helping out in whatever ways theyre able. This is one of my favorite passages since childhood. And you might not have the time or inclination to run for political office yourself, but millions of people do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for that campaigns planning purposes, monthly) to a candidate who espouses and fights for the same beliefs they hold dear. Without reservation, and without judgment. Share this post on your social media by clicking on one or more of these platforms: NOTE: This website works best with Google Chrome and a desktop computer, as many of our fellow Christians as you can. From 1948-1991 it was owned and operated under the BMA board of directors. Indeed, one of the reasons that I started this ministry was so like-minded people could have a great, fun, and unique way to multiply the funds the Lord has entrusted to them and convert those into spiritual and everlasting treasure and reward. Translations used for 2023 are the King James Version (KJV), Christian Standard Bible (CSB) and the English Standard Version (ESV). Im looking for true PARTNERS in every sense of the word, so if youre able and feel led by God to do so,please become aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the little box on that PayPal pageas this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He desires. Regular thoughts by a philosopher and Christian about trying to live a life of integrity and faithfulness in a world that doesn't make it easy. NO I AINT! Our flesh. Accredited Texas Seminary School Christ Centered Learning Since 1955. I mention several on the home page but will highlight just one of them here. The BMA is a collective of gospel-focused ministries working with local church pastors to fulfill the Great Commission by preaching the gospel, sending missionaries, and planting churches. To the truth and existence and nature and will of God. Humanly speaking, it hurts my head just thinking about the enormity of this task.). I decided right then and there to leave my job and devote FULL-TIME to pursuing this calling, this history-making undertaking, and remarkably I wasnt even nervous because I was and remain utterly certain that Hes totally in this, and then He proved that almost immediately. I remember thinking to myself, Theres no way! But something funny, something amazing happened on the way to obeying that calling of the Lord to just start doing it, just memorize the first few verses of the first selected book and Ill take care of the rest as described above. 3 John 8 Therefore we ought to support such men, that we may be fellow workers [and therefore SHARERS] with the truth. And Luke 6:38 Give and it will be GIVEN TO YOU; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. And Proverbs 11:25 perhaps puts it most poignantly: The GENEROUS man will be PROSPEROUS, and he who waters will HIMSELF be watered. This doesnt merely pertain to blessing in this life but extends to spiritual fruit and reward. please encourage your friends and family to do likewise. The Black Management Association (BMA) at the Merage School supports Black students and alumni in their professional goals through events, professional development, networking, leadership and service opportunities. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory Notbecause ofme butin spite ofme. Im really, really sorry but I just dont have nearly enough time to accomplish that!, God: Fear not, I have already prepared many like-minded Bible-loving believers who will support this so you can dedicate your life FULL-TIME to it and thus this shall be a gift to Me not just from thee but from them, from every person who will indeed heed My lead and meet that need., Me: Huh? , rejoices the heart, and indeed deadly consequences of sin ( Romans 6:23.! 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