I began a sponsorship in March 2016. Please know your monthly support and letters of love and encouragement truly do make such a difference! That said, at any time of the year (including at Christmas), you are welcome to send a child or family gift that would be specific for your child and will not be split up. I see that youve already written to him seven times. All of the proof I could ever need is in the letters and photographs of my little girl, Ludis. Eventually I made the hard decision to stop my sponsorship. Hi Christopher, This will call attention to your questions. Compassion has grown significantly year after year, even during difficult financial times in the economy. We're living in the Information Age, and we all know that information can be used for bad or good purposes. Im so sorry to hear that your letters from him have been pretty similar and have not answered your questions :(. My name is Danielle and I am 20 years old. Im just not real sure! I just received a letter from her and it looks very much like all the letters from the past 10 years (the same very generic details anyone could write) but it said she is currently in grade 5. Each country that we partner with has a maximum age that the children are able to attend the program and it varies per country. They may not know how to express themselves to you in a letter, but you never know how impactful your letters are to them. Go look at our financial records which are posted publicly on our website. I have had the privilege and blessing of visiting 3 different Compassion projects in Ethiopia. I did check your account and confirmed that you did send Eferem a generous Christmas gift. Spending Ratio: 1.009 vs. 0.957 We also have donation opportunities to further assist the families of the children we serve. Guardian Headline src url https assets.guim.co.uk static frontend fonts guardian headline noalts not hinted GHGuardianHeadline Light.woff2 http3 true format woff2 url https assets.guim.co.uk static frontend fonts guardian headline latin1 not hinted GHGuardianHeadline Light.woff http3 true format woff. You are welcome to send us an email at [emailprotected] if you would like to speak further with us. Because of this, they might tell you an update in a letter that we havent received information about from our field staff quite yet. When you began supporting your child, we were working with older systems in which processing letters to and from your child was very manual and took 2-3 months for letters to be delivered both ways. Prepare strong reasons for canceling your membershipthey'll do their . I pray for continued success in communication and connections, especially during an extremely challenging time for so many people. Sarah, we are so sorry to hear your sponsorship experience was not what you hoped. We have recently changed our letter writing process, as well. How did we go from a 6 year old to a 10 year old? I think there was some confusion regarding the christmas fund thing. Did you ever write to this child? I do understand your frustration with Leos letters not being personal. You may be aware of the many system updates we have recently undergone, and one of the largest updates has been with the way child letters are processed and delivered. This is one of the highest percentages for an organization like ours. Even more so -if one tried to bust in to shove a video chat or something into their lives! Letter writing is a difficult concept for the child that we work with. Compassion International, a US organisation leading and funding Christian proselytisation in India, has recently declared that it would shut down its operations in the country after . Each of your letters will bring incredible encouragement to Farel. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. He just wasnt getting the help he needed to write them at the time and the issue was fixed. In our cluster here in Iloilo City, Philippines, there had been two project closures. I was not happy to hear that when I send money he may or may not get all of it. https://blog.compassion.com/why-do-my-sponsored-childs-letters-seem-so-impersonal/. I thought over the last couple of years, this would change, but I just received a letter dated 9/4/16 and it is the same information I have received many times with no true update on Amele. You should definitely be receiving letters from your childs pastor though. b.Truth Claims Were thrilled about this and I pray that you begin to find your questions being answered in future letters your child writes to you. Keep encouraging her. I said to myself this cant be true so I decided to call them and find out where the money is really going and how are they helping these children. I do apologize for this as our intention is not to deceive you or make you hesitant in the integrity of our ministry. Once the gift is received, a thank you letter will always be written and sent to their sponsor. I completely understand that you want ever dollar you donate to count. I am able to send inquiries when it has been longer than six months since you last heard from your children. Hi Kristen I started sponsoring a little boy in Indonesia November 2015 8 weeks before his 6 birthday on Christmas day.most of his letters tutor helped but they reflect his thoughts and usealy asks for prayer about different things.I chose this age so I could build. Im becoming concerned, and it would be nice to know if shes okay or if its just the letter writing change thats the problem. Always feel free to email us at [emailprotected] with any concerns or questions you have in the future. We appreciate you and please let me know if I can assist you further! Ive contacted CI via email and phone but didnt get a satisfying enough answer. 3 US, sports : a movement (such as a pretended kick, pass, or step) that is meant to trick an opponent The runner made a fake to the left and then cut to the right. By the way, you are welcome to post here, email [emailprotected], or call 800-336-7676 with any concerns or questions you have. You have stated several times that his salary is lower than those of other comparable charities, but that doesnt mean anything. However, there is a problem with how countries grade academic levels. For the vast majority of children, our photographs are the only ones they have ever had taken and in some cultures smiling for a photo is not the norm. Its directly taking from the poor which is sad to me. If Josiane is unsure of what to write, then she may choose to write what the tutor is recommending, and this may result in letters sounding the same. Is Compassion a trustworthy organization? I was involved in 2 childrens lives who grew up and left the Compassion program. Hi Vicki! That was so thoughtful of you and I want to encourage you that you can still send your children bookmarks, but they have to be made of paper and flat. We would have been (and if youre still sponsoring, were happy to) check into the situation and verify that we have correct information on your child. All children are different but, if you want to know something from them you have to ask them. We are so thankful that you are a part of the Compassion family. Be strong, brave and kind! I found it very rewarding; however, I was very disappointed the way it ended. I saw how my monthly support offered so much to my sponsor child. On my list of conversations with Lydia, my letters to her are backed up in translation all the way from April. We would love the opportunity to speak with you further, address any additional concerns, and update your account accordingly. In regards to monetary gifts that you send to Leo, if it is a birthday, child, or family gift, Leo or his family will always receive the gift. I was told you could not buy items specifically for your chosen child was that it wouldnt be fair to the other kids so they always divided up the money however it was grouped and bought things for the kids that way. Internal and independent audits are regularly conducted for our offices in the field and here in Colorado Springs. I have another sponsor child who I do sponsor fully, and so that has given me somewhat of a reference for how to interact through letters. Will Compassion give us an address so we can locate this child and take gifts to him and his family? If you are pessimistic like me, visit that child when he/she turns a teen and see you your own 2 eyes like we did what that money has accomplished. Kellie. But it could be that your child might have been mentally challenged and for the childs privacy and dignity, the Field Office didnt wish to convey such information to you. I found a director at Compassion who complained because they have status and could not get the upgraded seat they wanted. Please dont let IT issues and a few negative experiences dissuade you from making such a vital difference in the life of a child. The handwriting is completely different, yet the translation is almost word for word in both letters. Somerset High School Yearbook Class of 1969 91 images, 703 students, 8 faculty. Hi Kathleen. While the rest of the world seems able to you have to be wasting valuable dollars that could be going to the children. How is this possible? Half of your gift did go directly to Susis family, and you should be hearing by the end of next month how that gift was used to bless them (just in time for your 1 year anniversary!) I would think by this time, he could have learned to write a few words. Compassions bias to fund child development over maintaining a large asset balance impacted our rating. As I understand it, part of our sponsorship money goes toward our sponsored child going to school in the area as well as being able to visit the center, right? Hi, I find the presumptouis and pride and attitudes in some of these[you] sponsors almost, appalling honestly. I think those are the only third-party letters I have received. Also, some more testimonials from teens and adults, who have been long in the programme or finished the programme, would be very impactful. Hi Pam! A $38-per-month contribution provides life-changing opportunities including: consistent, nutrient-rich meals preventative medical care and check-ups I recently have begun sponsorship of a boy in Central America. It sounded more authentic than the letters I was getting from Uganda, at least. We often see that even the happiest of children will not smile in their photo. The most shocking thing was the amount of sponsors that have visited that site. We provide holistic child development in the four areas of development cognitive, physical, economic, and spiritual. I informed Compassion International but the only response I received from them was them asking for me to sign up additional children. Please also take note that Compassion NO LONGER HAS A 4 STAR RATING from Charity Navigator. Some leave after high school and begin working, helping their families, or go onto reach other goals they have. I have long wished for a letter from the project or the pastor of each child, every couple of years, giving an all-over update on how my kids are doing: spiritually, behaviorally (at the project, at school and at home), academically, and any other way that is significant in the childs life. Did you receive these Christmas letters from Kayivi and Inoussa in February? Many thanks again Compassion for your very important, life changing work. This other woman has 14 sponsored children and you wanna tell her that shes lying?! Thank you for expressing your concerns here. On your site all it says is maybe supplemental food and learning about God. The practice of asking for a monthly commitment to a specific child is well-knownit's been around since the 1930s, and nearly 9 out of 10 Americans are familiar with it (87%), according to a study. We never want this to become a burden to anyone but rather a joyful opportunity to give to those in need. It is a settled thing in my heart. I would love to encourage you to consider letter writing your personal ministry to your child. Joann Reed. We want to ensure you feel strong in your faith with us so that you can continue sponsoring. I found this odd because I every time I send a letter, I send pictures along with it. This comes out to at least 80 cents on each dollar and we do everything we can to be as efficient as possible so that we can send more. English is a difficult language to learn and for our translators who know English as a foreign language words like he and she are regrettably often mixed up. I hope you find a child youd like to sponsor and have a wonderful time meeting him or her! Couldnt make me happier. I know that was not your intention and I do apologize for the misdirection of your funds. However if you want to send money around christmas to your child and her family, just send it as a family or child gift and it will go to them. I certainly apologize for any misunderstanding or confusion in regards to the time frame of receiving an acknowledgement for the gifts you sent and if this information was not communicated to you. Please see our other post about our new letter guidelines and why we are scanning, sending letters digitally, and printing them on the other end. I recieved a letter about promoting Compassion at my church. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that Sarahs suggestions were not fully addressed (video chat which is free, continuous bulk mail, lack of proof of the children actually receiving our presents and letters pictures can be downloaded for free, the suggestion to aid in translating letters for other children ) I have been sponsoring numerous children since 2013 and also receive generic letters which do not address specific questions that I have asked. Please let me know if you would like us to research this gift further for you. I am down to 6 for now due to personal financial issues relating to medical expenses. Compassion International is a very large company. Share it with her friends, etc. I am pleased and thankful to see Compassion International on their 30 Shining Light Ministries list each year. With months in between being able to view letters, it is sometimes difficult to remember what you have and havent shared with your children. For those that are thinking of dropping the sponsorship please, please reconsider and dont drop it. Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, we seek to offer competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. The Compassion development centers often help enhance what the child is learning in school and they focuses on the most important areas of growth while promoting life skills. Other people have commented about the same thing, and even so, the salaries continue to increase well beyond what is needed to make a good living. Look at what watchdog organizations, like Charity Navigators, say about Compassion. Since Farel has been in the program since 2013, he actually has had two official photos taken by Compassion. If you really help kids you wont get something good paid from the sponsors that love the kids! I have heard questions like Is my child even real, and How do I know that the funds are actually getting to the child?. I need a way to help kids and this is my favorite way to do it. I returned June 19th with a gift of reassurance from God. Thanks! The CSP program is for babies and their mothers from 0-3 years old, and CDSP program is for children from 3 to 18 or 21 years old. But the children dont say things like, Plays well with others, or Please pray about behavioral issues, or is struggling, right now. Please be encouraged to know that the children treasure the letters they receive from their sponsors. They said Sorry to lose you, and we will find another sponsor for the child. What else is there for them to say? My experience with them has been less than candid. I thought it was odd, exactly the same? I received word that my sponsored child/family is not receiving the monthly check I send. I wish you all the best in your future giving endeavors, and will pass your comment along. When the kids first get into the program they often write a first letter that is then held to send out to their sponsor once they get one. Please Google us and see what people are saying about us, check out what watchdog organizations say about us, read the third party research on the integrity and efficacy of our program, if you are able, visit your child and see where your money is going first hand.