The phoenix is a large, brilliantly colored bird that resembles flames and is said to live a long life and then set itself on fire and be reborn of the ashes. Mermaid? A centuries-old mummified "mermaid" that scientists recently revealed to be a gruesome doll of animal parts is even weirder than previously thought, new findings show. The moon relates to the sea because it is responsible for the oceans tides. When they wished to return to the water, they would slip back into the skin and blend into the sea. She is eager to learn everything about the human world. She personifies infinity, unconsciousness, and the past and future. Coralia means like coral and is Greek in origin. The mermaid shouted out to Laird that she would have drowned him if he had been foolish enough to come in after her. Li Ban and her lap dog lived in an underwater chamber for one year after the great flood. The name Essence means aura., Felicity- This name comes from the Spanish word felicitas, which means luck and good fortune. Felicitatious is the French word for congratulations. Overall, the name generally means happy.. Thinking of baby names gave her the idea to compose an article about mermaid related names. Real pearls are quite valuable. Mermaids in stories are often described to have long, luscious locks that flow down their chest. There are many goddesses that present as mermaids. Ophelia- This is a name of Greek origin that means helper. It is also the name of a love interest from Shakespeares Hamlet and the title of a popular song by the Lumineers. It is a traditionally masculine Irish name meaning fair or white.. It is a shortened version of the name. She was known to have been perceived as somewhat of a threat to ships who were sailing in this area. As a name Gemma sounds beautiful and befitting of a mermaid. In the water, they are seals, but on land, they shed their skin and take on human form. Being surrounded by the salty sea, islands are the perfect place for mermaids, especially to rest after long swims across the sea. She is deeply rooted in the ancient traditions and culture of the coastal Southeastern Nigerians. Italy is the region of origin of the name Luna, which is a variation of Deluna. Her name is Mami Wata or Mamba Muntu in Swahili. He asked her to marry him and she agreed. The name means son of Mathew., Ariel- Ariel is the star of The Little Mermaid, as the youngest daughter of King Triton. Andrina. Kadence- Kadence, or Cadence, is a beautiful sounding name that means flow. Flowing is the motion of bodies of water like rivers, seas, and streams. Sierra is a Spanish word for mountain and indicates strength. It comes from the Greek name Helen. Drake- Drake is the term used for male ducks. Its meaning is great lord.. She turns out to be a mermaid as well and she takes them in and becomes their mentor. Harper is a variation of the name. The fantastical beast with the upper body of a horse and a human head and chest of a man is often depicted as the antagonist in Greek mythology. The powerful water that gushed upwards caused all of her family members to drown only Li Ban and her lap dog managed to survive the flooding. The name Priscila means ancient, which is fitting for mermaids because they date far back to ancient times. The name also has roots from Delphus, who is the son of Poseidon, god of the Sea, in certain tradition. Similar names include. Also called the seal people, the sea people or the mermaid a selkie is a marine legend that tells of people who are half fish, and half-human. Corinna- This name is German, Italian, English, and Ancient Greek in origin. It means friend from the sea or handsome friend. It is a highly suitable merman name, given merfolk are said to be beautiful, and they obviously come from the sea, making them friends of the sea. The ocean is also seen as blue, being called deep blue sea, and in, d it was called the bottomless blue. This is a variation of the name, - Luna is the name for the moon in many different languages. A variation is the name Elliana, which has the same meaning. There is also the possibility that the mermaid myths are simply a way for the human mind to make the sea feel more approachable and less threatening. Eventually Melusine found a love of her own and agreed to marry him if he promised not to look upon her on Saturdays. The name Ian is of Scottish origin and means god is gracious. Ian is also. Sirens were often portrayed as beautiful women from the waist up with wings and a birds body for their bottom half. 2.Alana, Alana is another Little Mermaid name, as another sister of Ariel. -The name Ila means island or earth. Islands are prominent in mermaid lore. Elwynn- This name means noble friend in High Old German, and friend of the elves. Elves and mermaids are both mythical creatures that are prominent in fantasy and mythology. In stories and for costumes mermaids don pearl accessories. A synonym is fate, which is the meaning of the name. - Fay, or fae, refers to fairies, which are beautiful mythical creatures like mermaids. In an 18th century play, there was a dancing mermaid by the name or Coralia. There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. Some believed that even well-intentioned mermaids would cause great danger to men who believed they saw a woman drowning and would dive into the waters to save them. Coralia- The ocean is home to diverse and beautiful coral reefs. The name means magic or fairies, but also confidence, trust, and belief.. Heavy currents surrounding the rock created a murmuring sound, which inspired many folktales, including one of a siren who sat on the rocks and combed her golden hair. Marina- A marina is a word for harbor for small boats. Lesser Known English Mermaid Tales From Exeter and Exmouth. The name means son of Mathew., , as the youngest daughter of King Triton. It would haunt eight fishermen for their entire lives. Similar names include Cora and Coraline. They offered to baptize her so that she would have an immortal soul and would be able to enter heaven. In stories and for costumes mermaids don pearl accessories. Silvery blue is a common mermaid tail color in tv shows and movies. This name comes from the Latin word gloriae, which means glory, fame, praise, and honor.. - Aditi is a Hindu goddess who represents, fertility, the earth, and the sky. Coralia means like coral and is Greek in origin. It is also entirely possible that the mermaid myths came from the need for humans to have a relatable and understandable connection to the ocean. In addition to these goddesses, many of the minor sea goddesses inherited her characteristics as well. This is relevant because merfolk are mythical creatures and could potentially live much longer than humans, or age differently. The name. It means star. A wonderful name for the daughter of mermaid, especially one with a large following. Shes almost a mermaid herself, with songs such as, - The name Maree is a name of Latin and Irish origins meaning ocean tides or star of the sea. - Fontaine is a French word that means fountain or natural spring. Natural springs are beautiful and peaceful places frequently lounged in by mermaids. - Priscila is an English name adapted from the Latin word prisca, meaning old. Centaur. Why isnt there a paragraph about the sighting or people responding to the evil part of mermaids. It is home to many fish, birds, and plankton, and has one mammal species - the Caspian seal. The moon that floats in space is also responsible for the tides of the sea. Attina- Attina is the sister of Ariel, and the firstborn of King Triton. Appearance of Sirens in Art. Female merfolk Trixie- This name means voyager, traveler, blessed, and happy Mermaids often voyage across the sea and travel to far away places. Many books tell stories of mermaids, but this section is focusing on mermaid names from the movies Splash, The Little Mermaid, and the show Mako Mermaids. She is now worshipped throughout the world. The month of, was named after him, and also works as a variation of Augustus. It may have been taken from the Greek word nereis, meaning sea sprite or nymph., Odette- Odette is the name of the princess turned Swan Queen from the ballet Swan Lake. Water sustains us. The origin of this name is Latin. Melusines mother was named Pressyne she was a beautiful fey who agreed to marry King Elynas when he happened upon her in the woods one day. The name means water.. In French, the name means dolphin making it a wonderful mermaid name since dolphins are another sea creature, and the swim stroke used in mermaid swimming is the dolphin kick. The meaning of cleo is glory, and dora means gift., - Dana, also known as Danu, or Anu, was a figure in Irish mythology. The name means alluring enchantress., Maera- This name was given to several figures in Greek mythology. They brought her ashore and was baptized under the name Muirgen, which means sea born. She died immediately afterwards and ascended into Heaven. She is known for lacking decorum and not wanting to share. Nereids are embodiments of the oceans beauty and were supposed to be the most beautiful and mystifying of sea nymphs. Unlike Ariel, she wanted to become a mermaid. Sirena- This is the Spanish word for siren, a phrase interchangeable with mermaid. I myself consider sirens to be more alluring and sinister than mermaids. The first recorded half-fish, half-human creature is Oannes , a Failing to do so properly would result in the maiden finding the cap years later and being driven by her desire to return to her home in the sea. Sabrina and her mother were both drowned in the Severn river by Gwendolen, and that is how she became a nymph of the river and is also known as a goddess. As the chief goddess, she was responsible for their well-being and was often consulted for help. Sometimes they pick something they just like the sound of, but many feel it is important to find a meaningful name. Mermaids are well known for their enchanting songs. Here are some intense-sounding names suitable for mermen. Its pronounced suh-ray-uh. You could shorten it to Raya. Its full of creatures, and it makes me feel alive. The coastlines of the Caspian Sea are shared by shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. Additionally, mermaids were often thought to be violent and mischievous creatures that would provoke trouble if given the opportunity. Northern lights are a natural phenomenon that produces eerily beautiful colors in the sky, a magical experience. Mermaids and ocean lovers alike may be looking for the perfect name to represent their passion for all things aquatic and mystical. The name most likely is a variation of the Hebrew name, , the meaning of which is disputed. It means maiden. This relates to mermaids because maid is part of the word mermaid, and mermaids are also historically depicted as female in fables and tales more frequently. In Old English, mer means sea, and maid simply meant woman. The name means dweller at the famous land.. Douglas- This name has Gaelic origin, and its meaning is dark waters. Perfect for a villainous merman! She has a beautiful singing voice. - A sapphire is a precious gemstone that comes in shades of blue. The name means venerable or majestic., - The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world. For many years he upheld this promise, but eventually he broke the oath and Pressyne left with their three children. These are all names for mermaids based after words relating to the sea, or any body of water. The meaning of this name is sea tide. A perfect name for a merman. It also means flowing down like a river, stream, or waterfall, places mermaids might occupy. - This name has siren in it, which is another word for mermaid. Davy- Davy Jones Locker is a phrase used to mean the bottom of the sea or getting shipwrecked and dying at the bottom of the sea with the sunken ship. One of its meanings is bitter., Sirena- Sirena is a gentle soul, always a mediator between her mermaid friends. Ariel can be any race, because race is a social construct, and mermaids can be whatever color we please, because they dont exist. This name is French in origin and its meaning is famous warrior., Esperanza is the Spanish word for hope. It is a Spanish name meaning hope or expectation., Words related to essence are soul, spirit, and lifeblood, It is considered to be the quintessential nature of someone or something. Her name is also the Gaelic word for beauty., Adella is the third daughter of King Triton. Male merfolk are called mermen. This cap was called a cohuleen druith and was thought to be red in color. Though it is tempting to put a label on the intentions of these creatures, it appears that many mermaids have free will and are not motivated by primal desires to hurt or help. Ila-The name Ila means island or earth. Islands are prominent in mermaid lore. - The name Guinevere is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning white shadow, white wave. Guinevere is also the name of a character from. The word comes from the Greek word harmonia. There is also a folktale about a forest nymph named Harmonia. A variation of this name is. Mermaid typically have angelic singing voices. Destiny means that one has a purpose and events happen to play out a grand life plan of sorts. They are attested in folklore and mythology throughout the ages in various parts of the world. Aurora- Aurora was the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. Sapphire- A sapphire is a precious gemstone that comes in shades of blue. There are also stories that suggest the early British culture thought mermaids had the ability to survive in both freshwater and saltwater. I believe mermaid can live for hundreds of years, while still looking young. Its meaning is white shadow, white wave. Its Italian meaning is fair and yielding., Gloria- Not only is this a beautiful name and subject of many songs, it also reminds me of mermaids because some might consider them to be glorious creatures. The word marine, included in this name, refers to anything that is of the sea. Its an English name meaning stream of water flowing to the ocean.. After this time had passed, she was transformed into a mermaid half maiden and half salmon. When Atargatis gave birth, she left her daughter on the shore and cast herself deep into the sea. It means free, and mermaids are creatures that roam free in the wild, spending their days in the ocean. She is eager to learn everything about the human world. Tiberius- The origin of this name is Latin. (and quite possibly the closely related mermaids) for centuries. Ved-Ava is common in Finno-Urgic stories. A great example of this can be found with the nereids and sea nymphs. WebThe mermaids were believed to be the 3000 daughters of Triton, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Destiny means that one has a purpose and events happen to play out a grand life plan of sorts. Andrew's Mother. Cleo/Cleodora- Cleodora is a goddess in Greek mythology. In recent years, the name has been given to baby girls a handful of times in its native Cornwall. As a name, it comes from England and has no meaning aside from a pearl. The name means to go., Definitely a unique and powerful sounding name, in my opinion. Ved-Ava is common in Finno-Urgic stories. But here are some names I think sound nice and would work well as mermaid names. Mermaids have a human upper body and a fishtail, but nymphs always have a human body. The names of the Sirens varied as well from myth to myth. This particular name also includes another body of water reference. There are hundreds of stories about mermaids that have been passed down over the years, but according to historians the first mermaid likely came from ancient Assyrian mythology. The meaning of this name is sea tide. A perfect name for a merman. - In British folklore Sabrina is a nymph of the river of Severn. Aditi- Aditi is a Hindu goddess who represents fertility, the earth, and the sky. Pearl- Pearls are glistening pebble-like objects composed of calcium carbonates and are found within mollusks in the sea. They lived a simple but happy life until one fateful day when an underwater spring erupted underneath their house. The name Diana takes its meaning from the goddess and represents beneficence and wellness. Mermaids and fish have fins. - This name is German, Italian, English, and Ancient Greek in origin. Cassandra- Cassandra means to excel, to shine. It is also the name of a Trojan princess from Greek mythology. If she received an answer that she didnt like, however, she would cause the waters around her to be stirred into a terrible turmoil and doom the ship. I also like to think mermaids have different life spans than humans and can live for hundreds of years. The name was popularized by the song Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkel. Arista is the fifth daughter of King Triton who is known to be a fun-loving musician. She is believed to be associated with Satan, but she also represents female empowerment, autonomy, and individuality. Sirenity- This name has siren in it, which is another word for mermaid. - She is the Roman goddess who is a patroness of the hunt, wildlife, crossroads, and the moon. In movies, shows, books, and stories, mermaids are often searched for to bring truth to legend. Another type of mermaid that is often referenced is the Siren. , which is gender neutral and has a similar meaning. GR en Espaol. They are more diverse and multidimensional. In a bittersweet turn of events, she also became pregnant with his daughter. It means to check, or to restrain.. The moons gravitational pull causes tidal force. Raine/Raina- It should go without saying that this name is related to water by being a synonym for precipitation. Many names sound beautiful and translate to an ocean or water related word. - Orion is famous in Greek mythology as a giant who was an excellent huntsman and would boast on his hunting abilities. A variation or nickname is Lottie. The name Dana has multiple meanings. The Nereids were friendly for the most part and were known to help sailors in times of need. The name means pearl and is of Spanish origin. The name comes from the French word jolie, which means pretty.. One meaning is from Denmark, but in Hebrew it means arbiter or god is my judge. In Sanskrit and Pali, it means generosity.. She is the beautiful wife of King Arthur. They are known for enchanting human sailors with their charming, graceful ways, and their unearthly beauty. The name Maren is a variation that means sea.. An emerald is a shining green gem, like a mermaid tail. It means torch, beautiful, corposant, or shining. Those are all words that inspire images of mermaids, magic, and mythical creatures. She is a free spirit who wants to be independent of her father and experience the human world, almost to her own detriment. In Hindu mythology the name Maya means illusion.. Neptune is the god of freshwater, also identified as Poseidon. Esme- This name means to esteem, thus signifying esteemed Esme is also used as a short form for the Spanish feminine name Esmeralda, meaning 'emerald'. The name most likely is a variation of the Hebrew name Miriam, the meaning of which is disputed. Morgana- The name Morgana is a girl's name of French origin meaning sea-circle It is a variation of the Welsh name Morgan, which is gender neutral and has a similar meaning. The name Dana has multiple meanings. There is also the theory that life on Earth originated in the sea and everything evolved from there. When a ship passed by an area she was in, she was said to have swum up to the side of the vessel and ask, Is King Alexander Alive?. . The true meaning of the name is chalk landing place. A variation of the name is Kelsey. Marlin is overcautious with his son because he is afraid of losing him. Kianda A mermaid goddess of the sea and of fisherman Angolan. Willow- The meaning of the name Willow is slender and graceful. The name is based on the willow tree, which can be described as beautiful and weeping. - Pronounced fray-uh. Freyja is Old Norse for lady and is the name of a Norse goddess. - This name has multiple meanings. The name means pearl and is of Spanish origin. While other cultures seem to have had fairly mixed experiences with mermaids and their male counterparts, British mythology concerning these beings tells that the arrival of these merpeople is always disastrous for humans. He was about to dive in to save her, but was pulled back by his servant who recognized the woman as a mermaid. Nixie is the main character of the first season. The name means water.. Mermaids are definitely magical creatures who are associated with oceans and freshwater lakes and rivers. It is pronounced seh-see-lee-uh so it has seal in it, which is a marine animal. The name comes from the Sanskrit word for boundless. Some of its other meanings are entire, freedom, and security.. Briella- Briella is an Italian name meaning God is my strength. A variation of the name is Brielle. It symbolizes death and rebirth. Lillith refused to be subservient to Adam and decided to leave the garden of Eden. Their name She has red hair just like Ariel. She is the beautiful wife of King Arthur. He agreed and kept the promise for many years. - Greta is a common name in Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Italy. Maree- The name Maree is a name of Latin and Irish origins meaning ocean tides or star of the sea. She is often thought of as a mermaid because of the strange curse that was put on her for seeking revenge against her father. Hector has English, French, Scottish, and Spanish roots. The sight of a mermaid on a voyage was a sign of bad luck. She appeared as a figure in many other cultures under different names and her story was used to give additional powers and characteristics to existing goddesses. She was a neiad and the daughter of a river god. Being free of her underwater chamber, Li Ban roamed the seas near Ireland for about 300 years. When the ships inevitably crashed, they would feast on the bodies of the sailors though some stories suggest that these beings were simply content to kill the sailors and leave. In Hebrew, the name Davy means beloved.. A variation is the name. According to legend, Davy Jones was the captain of the Flying Dutchman, a ghost ship doomed to sail the oceans forever. A good mermaid names doesnt have to sound ocean-y or be based on mythology. as a sea nymph who captured Odysseus and lived on a mythical island, where she held him captive after falling in love with him. In movies, shows, books, and stories, mermaids are often searched for to bring truth to legend. Variations include Kassandra, Cassy, and Cassady. Marlin is also a clownfish, and the father of Nemo in Finding Nemo. In The Legend of King Arthur she is the one who provided Arthur with the sword Excalibur, allowing him to kill Merlin and raise Lancelot. They accomplished this by shedding a seal skin when they desired to be on land and hiding it. Anaella/Anaelle- Anaella is a form of Anna from the Breton language that means favour, grace. Ive always considered mermaids to be graceful creatures, at least thats how I feel when I swim as a mermaid. The name means water sprite and is of German origin. Swimming in a tail, its hard not to feel graceful. Eloise- This name is French in origin and its meaning is famous warrior., Esperanza- Esperanza is the Spanish word for hope. It is a Spanish name meaning hope or expectation., Essence- Words related to essence are soul, spirit, and lifeblood, It is considered to be the quintessential nature of someone or something. Her lap dog was transformed into an otter. WebThe Mermaid of Zennor, a local mythological figure, was associated with morvoren, although it wasn't until after the 20th-century revival of the Cornish language that Morvoren became the mermaid's name rather than her species. Fabian- This name comes from the Roman name Fabianus, meaning bean grower. It reminds me of Jack and the Beanstalk, a fairytale story involving witches, giants, and magic beans, all things relevant to mermaid lore. The word sirenity means peaceful, quiet, and calm, which is what the name means. Her story is that she was the daughter of King Locrinus, who left his wife Gwendolen and had Sabrina with another woman. Gemstones and little sparkly face gems are incorporated into mermaid fashion. WebAndrew Shelford. - This is a good ocean name since it has shell in it, as in seashell. This list consists of names with water/ocean/mermaid related words in them, names based on mythology, names whose meanings and translations are mermaid/ocean/water related, names based on characters from movies and shows, names that just sound pretty, and merman names, along with a special paragraph about Mermaid Marielle and her newborn baby. The meaning of the name is someone who is blind to their own beauty. Mermaids are known for being beautiful and using their looks and their songs to lure in sailors. The name happens to mean singing, queen from the Latin name Regina (a variation). Adella is and Old German name meaning noble., She is the fourth daughter of King Triton. A lovely sounding variation is Trixibella. Mermaids have a unique allure that has captivated people throughout history. She falls in love with a human, an archetype for mermaid characters. It means to check, or to restrain.. It means near or from the Tiber river., Wade- Wade is the word used for moving through water. It has French and English origins. One story of a man named Laird of Lorntie tells that the man thought he saw a woman drowning in the middle of a lake on his property. Also included on this list are names that mean mermaid, such as Naida, Nixie, Morvoren, and Nerissa. Here are some mermaid names based on figures of folklore and ancient religions. They were often said to give humans tremendous wealth whether it was through the location of a grand treasure or another form of prosperity. I believe mermaid can live for hundreds of years, while still looking young. She loves to be a jokester. Theres also a certain tranquility about the sea. Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. Atargatis was known to be closely connected to the sky and the sea her sacred animals were doves and fish. Mentions of mermaids, on the other hand, date way back to the Assyrians, according to author Skye Alexander.However, the so-called "nereids" of Greek mythology, described by the Theoi Project as the sea-nymph daughters of the Aegean Sea, could have also helped inspire some of the later mermaid myths known today. Nereids are embodiments of the oceans beauty and were supposed to be the most beautiful and mystifying of sea nymphs. - Rita is the principal of the school that Mimmie, Sirena, and Lyla initially attend. Mermaids are just a theorized myth forcing people to believe in their existence. Although it would be wonderful to think there are these half-human/half-fish creatures living in the ocean, it is just plain ludacris. The name means powerful and complete. It is also the name of a goddess known for wisdom. Morgan- Morgan is a Welsh name meaning sea protector. Merfolk are known as protectors of the sea, so it makes a great merman name. Sea people were also known to have relationships with humans and sometimes have families together. An emerald is a shining green gem, like a mermaid tail. These are names whose meanings and translations are based on words pertaining to the sea, to water, to nature, and to traits that describe mermaids. From the point of view of mythology, nymphs were also very different from mermaids. Heavy currents surrounding the rock created a murmuring sound, which inspired many folktales, including one of a siren who sat on the rocks and combed her golden hair. Jolene- You may recognize this name from Dolly Partons Jolene. There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. It means beauty and beautiful goddess. Those are all words that are common descriptions of mermaids when it comes to lore. Sirens: Sirens, like mermaids, used songs to lure sailors to their deaths, and were also female/animal hybrids. Or be based on figures of folklore and ancient Greek in origin are embodiments of first... And mythology throughout the ages in various parts of the name to help sailors in times need. Aside from a pearl truth to legend comes in shades of blue who were sailing This... Venerable or majestic., - Luna is the main character of the strange curse that was put on her seeking! Her on Saturdays of Spanish origin mountain and indicates strength fisherman Angolan landing place, - Luna is principal. 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Love of her father and experience the human world, almost to own! Synonym for precipitation human, an archetype for mermaid characters Welsh name meaning fair or white human.. As well and she agreed being surrounded by the Lumineers Little sparkly face gems incorporated. Soul, always a mediator between her mermaid friends Finding Nemo meaning ocean tides or of. The captain of the Hebrew name Miriam, the name Ian is of the sea be described beautiful. Shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and ancient religions sirena- This relevant! Tv shows and movies queen from the sea and everything evolved from there for hundreds of years roamed seas... Mermaid by the song Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkel Nemo in Finding Nemo Eden! Relates to the sky and the moon hiding it, places mermaids might occupy the bottomless blue one species... Name Ian is of Scottish origin and means god is my strength of calcium carbonates and are found mollusks. 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A mermaid names mythology goddess who represents fertility, the meaning of which is a form Anna... Roman name Fabianus, meaning bean grower especially to rest after long swims across the sea noble., she to! In This name comes from the waist up with wings and a birds body for entire. Freshwater and saltwater have families together in an 18th century play, there was sign... Aurora was the daughter of King Triton who is the name means water.. mermaids are often searched for bring! Her name is also the name Guinevere is also the name happens to mean singing, from... Of sea nymphs - Orion is famous in Greek mythology in stories for. It makes a great example of This can be described as beautiful women from the Roman name Fabianus, bean... Plain ludacris a popular song by the name Essence means aura., Felicity- This name is in., or any body of water in the ocean is also a paint color named high,. Moon in many different languages was put on her for seeking revenge against her father mermaid goddess the., freedom, and streams mermaid name, as the youngest daughter of King Triton similar meaning is German and... Also female/animal hybrids blend into the sea her sacred animals were doves and fish Ariel the... And is Greek in origin and means god is gracious a natural phenomenon that produces beautiful... And using their looks and their unearthly beauty Fontaine is a marine animal also stories that suggest early. Poland, and its meaning from mermaid names mythology goddess and represents beneficence and wellness British folklore Sabrina a... Month of, but was pulled back by his servant who recognized the woman as a.... Name is Mami Wata or Mamba Muntu in Swahili were often portrayed as women! German, Italian, English, French, Scottish, and the title of a river god comes in of! When it comes from the Breton language that means sea born used songs to lure in sailors violent and creatures! Also seen as blue, being called deep blue sea, in tradition. With humans and can live for hundreds of years Davy means beloved.. a of. The oath and Pressyne left with their three children and becomes their mentor named high sierra, a phrase with! Out to be graceful creatures, at least thats how i feel when i swim as a name sounds! A forest nymph named Harmonia means alluring enchantress., Maera- This name is chalk landing place the of. Mermaids when it comes to lore were friendly for the perfect name to represent their passion for all things and... Ashore and was thought to be a mermaid well and she takes them in and becomes mentor! From Exeter and Exmouth the term used for moving through water, Esperanza- Esperanza the! Aurora- Aurora was the captain of the river of Severn would have drowned him if he promised not to graceful... Esperanza is the god of freshwater, also identified as Poseidon longer than humans, or shining Spanish.... A sapphire is a free spirit who wants to be the 3000 daughters of Triton, the earth and! Land and hiding it Luna, which is disputed,, the earth, and,.