I've used Colloidal Silver 10 PPM for years to treat all kinds of conditions in Squirrels including mange. http://oi60.tinypic.com/xf67t5.jpg I currently have 2 lil boy rocky's approx 4 1/2 weeks old. Im thinking maybe mites but not sure on what to use or how much to use because he is only 18 grams. I was so thrilled because we had our worse winter ever here in the north east last year. Have you seen it before? These are among the most common squirrels seen in the United States. It has to be non-hydrogenated coconut oil, otherwise all the good stuff in it has been destroyed. Bill, Hello I just purchased your invermectin paste to treat what I think is a case of mange in one of my backyard squirrels I have pictures and videos and half of this poor guys hair is gone. I was able to catch him - something that seems like a sign that he probably needs a little TLC at least, since Im sure I couldnt catch another squirrel on foot if I tried (Ive been befriending him and his siblings - and the older generation here - for a long time so they all come out to see me, knowing I have peanuts and seeds, haha! Thanks for writing! it's always hard to see squirrels in this condition. It is raised with some bumps. It sound viral. If they don't get 20 to 40mg of Calcium per day they can over time develop Metabolic Bone Disease, a condition where their bones thin out and become brittle and easily broken. Last fall I re-lanscaped the front yard and used black mulch. My neighbor learned this when she would go out and have her morning coffee on her back porch. God bless, Since she still lets me touch her I touched the spot, and she flinched in pain. If you send me an e-mail at SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com and request the light treatment for thinning hair I'll send you links that show the light I use and the brand of bulb. I've noticed that he is covered in kind of scabby white things, at first I thought it was flaky skin, but tonight I bathed him and noticed it was a little more intense than that. If a squirrel has them long enough, they can make it slightly anemic and that makes them tire easily. But lately he has driven himself to seizures doing flips trying to nip at his skin towards his hind quarters. In all my 70 years I've never seen this before. The Abert squirrel is famous for its elongated ears that grow about an inch of tassle hair in the winter. Hi. When a squirrel is severely injured, it seeks out a place to hide. Withholding food will not kill your squirrel, but hunger will drive them to try new things. Then, wait a week, and do the same thing. Good luck! and she is a tough one to treat. Their bellies and the underside of their tails are white in color and there is a black stripe on the tail. He has a white collar almost like a reverse Ring Ouzel on the back of his neck and the local Blackbirds don' like having him around.smart bird though. Acorns are like Meth Amphetamines for squirrels and make them very aggressive. Thank you so much for any advice you can give. Thank-you for caring enough to provide one of God's little creatures what it needs at the end of it's life! Ivermectin, but you need to do it one squirrel at a time. Thank you so much. Hi Bhavya! It should smell just like fresh coconut. I have some pictures and I was wondering if you could help me with the diagnosis? They are very unique squirrels, hibernating 7-8 months of the year. Hi William, I love this little guy. About a month ago i went to her cage to take her out and she looked dead!i took her out and notices that she is breathing,i put her on a warm blanket and started feeding her with a bottle and within 2hrs she was herself again.i changed her diet thinking she did not receive enough nutrition,but a few week later this happened again!Today this happened for a 3rd time now and she also bit her tail off,she bit it in half!Please please can anyone help with advice?Information about them as pets are not really available here. I think they carried the fungus onto me, and I transported it into the house so that when Lucky would sit on my shoulder, she picked it up. Was very aggressive before surgery, has calmed down alot. Hi I rescued a baby squirrel. I have a picture of one of them but I dont know how to send it to you? Almost like a big scab texture. Hi - My favorite squirrel (twofer - she always wants two) had bad mange. If you have given Ivermectin and you don't see any improvement, then it probably is the skin fungus. While mange is commonly presumed to be the culprit, most hair loss in squirrels is caused by a variety of superficial fungal diseases generally termed dermatophytoses. Also, is there anything I can do to help her not be so itchy? Here in MD it's illegal to own a wild animal. Hes so young and peppy, I dont like the idea of stealing away the great outdoors from him..but I dont much relish him being easy prey for cats, dogs, etc. Of the 289 species of squirrels in the world only 22% can be found in the United States. I have a rescued male indian palm squirrel from West Bengal India. I'm reticent to do that . Many good quality of information a useful content to share. Be careful the first time you hand feed a squirrel. Make sure he is not having urinary problems or constipation such as increased urinating or dragging his butt across the bottom of his cage. Thank you. To answer your question about tail hair being burned off, it would grow back during the month of June as long as the hair follicles were not damaged from being burned. The eye ring is a thick, white circle around the rodent's black eyes. When he was smaller we would take him out and let him play in a tree for a while but others suggested that if we were going to have to keep him over the winter it was probably better not to let him outside. Also happens if i pet another animal besides my dog. This band is where they get their "ringneck" name, because it looks like the snake has a ring around its neck. Writ me at SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com. The spots were pink but didn't look scabbed, or give me reason to believe it to be mange (although I bought your product just in case). #2. Many thanks in advance! You try to find a possible cause and try to correct that. Im afraid that if it is mange it will infect all the other squirrels, birds and even my cat who likes to walk around the bird feeder. Ive tried extra protein to diet, less heat, moisture in enclosure incase its to dry, removing items that could cause friction loss of hair, washing bedding in baby detergent, diluted iodine for 5 days. Thank you and God Bless! The Uinta ground squirrel is found in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana. Time is very important! It involves puncturing the skin with tiny needles to promote collagen and elastin production to target. I started feeding oil rich Avocado to my captive squirrel every day, starting in August. Since it is a wild animal I'm not certain as to how to successfully give it any form of treatment. But a new generation of. Females will go out and build multiple nests in anticipation of having babies. Another consideration is what you have in the bottom of the cage. Squirrel Squirrels are commonly known as wild rodents that are found in forests and jungles, but also in gardens and parks. There are other squirrels her and I have not seen any others with this same missing fur. It where the term "Squirrily" came from, and it makes a squirrel very hyper. Odd that the patches of bald skin are all in the same general area though. Mites can be transmitted to humans if they have close, prolonged contact with an infected squirrel and never wash their hands. Then I give a piece to Fred frozen. Humboldts flying squirrel is the third and final type of flying squirrel found in North America and the United States. We do not allow other people to handle him. Could you send me a picture of her wound, ( as clear as possible so I can get a good look at it.) Maybe he is getting senile? Trying to trap even a friendly wild squirrel is not a good idea. I will come out, see a peanut in her mouth as she scampers by but she will quickly bury it and come over for the sunflower seeds. The next day it was the size of a dime, so I went ahead and gave her a dose of Ivermectin because it appeared quite crusty. They are dominant over the antelope ground squirrels that also live in their areas and will chase them out of their territory. July 2016 I wouldn't be able to control how much each one would get, if they get any at all, but I feel like I must do SOMETHING to help them. I just have to tell you how excited I am to find you. I have a photo. Thank you for the information I appreciate it so much. The Western Gray is a large squirrel that looks similar to, and is often confused with, the Eastern Gray. If you reply, please direct your comments and questions to SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com. Got another email? Have you tried a dose of Ivermectin? These squirrels cause significant crop damage and are the frequent target of population control measures. Shirts are not the answer. No irritation associated with the bald spot. He's steadily losing fur. The Arizona gray squirrels range is restricted to parts of Arizona and New Mexico, perhaps crossing into Mexico. Regarding your Revolution/ Ivermectin question and the condition you are seeing. My squirrel 7-8 months also have small lice or ticks in its tail end the hair has been lost. Southern flying squirrels are 9 to 14 inches long with brown fur and white underside. The one thing that is universally characteristic in a starvation situation is that their hair quits growing and falls out. They did have some fleas but a lil warm bath and some diatomaceous earth seemed to clear them up. The bones are so fragile, that they could break like thin crystal glass. Not sure how to administer the paste, there are so many squirrels how do I get to this particular one? As far as diet, as much raw coconut oil as you can get into them, including coconut out of the shell. This is one of our busiest seasons of the year for squirrel products and advice e-mail, I've been up until 3:00 AM answering squirrel e-mail advice and nutrition questions. Never noticed squirrels before this lil gal or guy :) Bill is the Squirrel Manalthough I call him our Squirrel Angel :) . Snap Peas Hi Chantelle! As long as it is raw and non-hydrogenated, it contains over 50% Lauric and Capric acid which has been found to be anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal. I'm in a bit of a pickle. Hi Sarena! Her belly had been completely bald and is now completely covered with really soft white hair. It's been nearly a week. My squirrel has been bitten by my dog at one point on her tail(skeleton most probably). When I opened the photos I was horrified. If so, you shouldn't use Ivermectin on it, because it is too hard to dose for babies. Susan, Hi Susan! All of the sudden out of the blue he was laying next to me and I was petting him and when he got up I need a lot of fur was left behind. Bill, I need help with a squirrel I found please, Hi, Sasha! Bill. I have attached a photo if you have a moment to look at it and give out thoughts. Pigeons and Doves (Order: Columbiformes, Family: Columbidae) Rock Pigeon White-crowned Pigeon Band-tailed Pigeon Eurasian Collared-Dove African Collared-Dove Inca Dove Common Ground Dove White-tipped Dove White-winged Dove Mourning Dove Browse Species in This Family More to Read Where to Put Your Bird Feeder Living Bird Magazine they are not feeling good today,please advise, thank you Cheryl. Introduced to the U.S. from Asia in the 1880s, pheasants quickly became one of North America . There are three subspecies of this squirrel. Hello Bill, If all else fails, we have an herb called "Dionaea Muscipula," that works very well against stubborn infections in squirrels. I don't want them to contract what these squirrels have. I would just keep an eye on it and wait and see. Thanks for your KIND reply Peter!! These squirrels are highly territorial in their defense of their stored food supplies known as middens. At this time of year it may well be a Vitamin D deficiency. It would get rid of the testosterone that causes most of the aggressiveness, but I don't know if there would be any residual resentment. There is a squirrel that comes around my work. Usualy as I know, squirrels are active on the day. Fox squirrels like to make their homes in upland hardwood forests that have nut-producing trees, and they have a strong ability to adapt. The white collar feathers go all the way around the neck and the chest is more white than other robins I've seen around here. So, you have a naked squirrel? Also, increase the good fats in their diet. Wyoming ground squirrels can be found in the northwestern United States. Thank you! I'm no fan of giving small squirrels anti fungal agents such as Nystatin, because they are toxic to the liver. Bill, Hi Bill. He is getting fixed. Under the guidance of a vet we have saved him. It could be a number of things. There are lots of ways to get your "squirrel fix!" We put Brewer's Yeast in our Nut Squares for two reasons. That did start to help her. Question.. can a chipmunk suffer from the same skin conditions as a squirrel? Mark Wolfe, 11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Towns Curbside Cleanup Day, 7 Important Things to Know About Your Squirrel Feeder, 12 Types of Bird Feeders Every Backyard Birder Should Know, 12 Ways to Predict the Weather by Watching Nature in Your Backyard, 9 Safety Rules You Should Always Follow Around the Fire Pit, Solved! If you're worried about him keeping warm stop worrying. I just rescued a squirrel yesterday. So far, I've had several people who have had positive results in experimental trials of this herb called Dionaea Muscipula. Now today he has scratched it open raw again and there also seems to be places on the other side of his face and top of his head where he is scratching and fur is gone but has not broken the skin. But, there's good news. To treat babies with mites or Mange, it is much safer to use one drop of kitten flea drops on the back of the neck. Idk you could feed them that. I think raccoon and opossum also have mange . I assume it is OK for them to lick. He's always scratching his jawline on both sides. I haven't seen her in a week and a half. She was still in her winter nesting box and hadn't gotten out to make a clean fresh nest yet. However, the red squirrel is much smaller and has white rings around the eyes and a white underbelly. This is not any disease that is common to squirrels. Mange won't kill a squirrel, it just makes them look ugly until some kind person, like yourself, comes along and helps them get better. Thank you for your blog. It sounds like maybe I could follow your advice re: coconut and oil. came from his nose ,whiskers shook. Like other ground squirrels, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel makes use of a variety of alarm calls to communicate. We feed Lucky avocado everyday, and her skin and coat are in great shape.Bill. Problem #2: Lately he tends to lick a lot. I will send pic to your email, thank you for your page so much!! If so, how many drops should I apply to the back of the neck on the squirrel that with the affected ears. Their small stature, nonaggressive nature, and rear-facing fangs do not pose much threat to the humans. There is a condition called Argeria, where silver particles can collect in the skin and turn it silver gray, ( not a problem for a gray squirrel.) On the 11th. Eastern gray squirrels feed mainly on nuts, seeds, grasses, tree bark, berries, flowers, plant bulbs, and crops like corn. FYI, he is a 1 year old rescue named John Wayne, Hi Terii, Eyes were not open yet. http://www.squirrelnutrition.com/mange-treatment-in-squirrels.html Upon reading the info on your site, I'm beginning to think it may be fungal. and. with a small population in Alaska as well. Most of those have fractionated coconut oil in them, which is missing a lot of the goof stuff. I'm no expert on flyers or gliders, but I would be interested to see what you are talking about. Thank you. I did put healing cream and breathable bandages to cover up the exposed flesh so he doesnt hurt himself further by biting the soft tissue. meat in the form of frogs, insects, and young birds. Thank you for your time. Peter. But, always keep in mind that you may never find out! The Siskiyou chipmunk is closest in appearance toAllens chipmunk(Neotamias senex) and theyellow-cheeked chipmunk(Neotamias ochrogenys). SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com. Is this a flying squirrel or a sugar glider? Another way to obtain an orphan to raise is to keep your eyes an ears open. At first I thought it was Spring fighting but I've taken photos of it from afar (can't get near our Squirrels) and I'm concerned if it's communicable the other squirrels will get it. Flying Squirrel Facts: Top Ten Things You Need To Know! Our mission at Wildlife Informer is to share free information and pictures of wildlife with our readers. Any advice is greatly appreciated! More than two would be really bad, probably killing the squirrel. So, it's a win-win for the squirrel. I read upthread that we can feed raw coconut, which I will go buy today and cut up and throw out with seeds to see if they will take it. Its May 17th in Toronto and has only just become spring here in the past 2 weeks. Now today I see it and there is even more fur missing :( It's on its face now and on back of its head. The website is: "www.repcal.com". The light showed no promise,change. We've been using old pillow cases washed on the sanitary setting with natural fragrance free detergent, changing daily so I don't think her sore toes are from the bedding material. Seems size wise back to normal is she was. If you have a large cage to transfer him into I would live-trap him to make sure that he gets the med and keep him for a couple days to make sure it is working. There are several types of squirrels in the United States. Please help me. I have read a bit on your site and on here and I think I know what issue we are facing and what to do, but I wanted to be sure and see if you would be on the same page. February 2017 The Bible says that a sparrow does not fall to the ground without the knowledge of God the father. It may be that their skin has a different pH that makes it an ideal medium for it to grow, but that is only speculation on my part. You can relax, your animals and birds cannot catch the Mange Mites that are on squirrels. Hi, William The Xerinae Subfamily contains 138different species of squirrels. Girls start wearing their rings early. Gently scrub off the white bits, and if there is a wound under them, apply Neosporin or Raw coconut oil. Is there anything I can do to help him? I just use an Incandescent grow light from my local hardware store. hmmm, have hear cocoanut oil. Even successfully getting them to a rehab facility, would not guarantee a successful outcome. Ring-necked snakes are secretive, nocturnal snakes, so are rarely seen during the day time. Piaute and Merriam ground squirrels were once thought to be subspecies of the Townsend but have subsequently been recognized as their own species. August 2018 It sounds to me like Clyde may have a circulation problem. I can't catch and treat my squirrels, they are not tame and if I did put a live trap out under the tree I might catch a skunk, a racoon a woodchuck or even a possum. It seems that every time a few get this they die and I wont see any affected squirrels for a while and then it starts again. I tried to raise another baby but pasquallie wasn't having any part of it. Bill, Dear Nikki, I can't imagine how you feel after 8 or 9 years having lost your squirrel! I've been feeding the squirrels all winter, and always the birds, and several of them have mange and other have the dermatitis condition. Both are nocturnal gliders. All appeared fine. But, studies have shown that it takes massive doses over a long time for this to happen. I was going to leave him alone until I noticed large patches of fur missing. . Those that have not improved, treat as a first dose. I think I would go ahead and try Ivermectin whether or not it is Mange. I can't find any information on line about what could be causing this. Hi Bev! The scratches are very small but they did break the skin, just barely though. he has eaten them for a long time. Overgrown teeth need to be trimmed. I think your dog will be OK. One neighbour throws down peanuts. If it's not Mange, you have temporarily relieved them of their fleas, lice and intestinal parasites. Bill, how can i send you a pic of a black squirrel which i think is mange. It has large black eyes ringed with white, big ears, and a narrow, pointy muzzle. Are you sure you ordered? 10 years old! We will start leaving raw coconut and coat their sunflower seeds with coconut oil, but--outside of knitting them sweaters--do you have any other suggestions? Most commercial formulas are made from skim milk with a bunch of useless fillers and vitamins. I'm in Northern California and have a couple backyard grey squirrels that look like they have mange. Groundhogs (also known as woodchucks) are a species of marmot that are found in the Eastern and Midwest portions of the United States. Hi, Dave! The pictures on this page tell the story. Not sure if she couldn't handle the others on her case : (, Hi Gem! Additional note: We have no such issues, nor does the male, or the 2 cats in the house. As their name suggests, their tail has black and white rings, much like raccoons and coatis have. I do have a bird bath out at the feeder, would it be better to just put the colloidal silver in that instead? Just about everything, especially males, will set him off. Hi, Valerie! Thank you so much. Ways theyll eat it and like it? Youll also like this:Are Squirrels Rodents? The Northern Idaho ground squirrel may be the same or a different species as the Southern Idaho ground squirrel. Hello! We've been doing clinical trials on it with squirrels that have stubborn physical problems. It is transmitted via blood, so mostly individuals contract it through biting insect vectors, such as fleas or mosquitoes. I would love to be able to treat these wild squirrels with the medicine you suggested but since I have so many squirrels it would prove hard to keep track of which ones I gave a dose to. Shannon, that is sodium/glucose water not salt/sodium water! Bill. The Olympic marmot is only found on the Olympic peninsula in Washington. Despite the large size of this guy you will have a hard time spotting it as the Yellow Cheeked is a secretive fellow who likes to stay out of sight. I have him inside a box now with a towel and gave him some dog food, he looks like he might die I don't know what to do I'm very distressed and upset and dont know how to help him. She is probably the runt, and as such usually got pushed aside by her stronger siblings when nursing. Then maybe u can tell me whats wrong with him do u have a email adress. Bill, Hi, Lauren! The squirrels do scratch,but, I don't see missing fur. Vitamin D. Now, before you run out to buy vitamins with D, understand that Vitamin D is very hard to supplement orally because too much can be toxic to the liver. He got me another good one yesterday. They eat well have no bugs or the others also show no skin problems. Once he has observed other squirrels for a few weeks, you will be able to open the cage and let him start exploring his surroundings. They just itch, so she nibbles. It involves getting them to drink a 25% solution of Colloidal Silver in their drinking water. Topically, I spray it or wet compress it anywhere, including in the eyes. They don't die directly from having Mange. If you and I could do that, we'd be comfortable taking cold showers and shoveling snow in our t shirts. Just remind me that you question came through the Blog because I get dozens of squirrel questions everyday! Everyone thinks he has mange. It's usually self-limiting and the squirrel's immune system will ultimately overcome it. He gave a valiant fight but was just too sick. Hi bill, Hello Harriet, The cat has been kept indoors since the squirrels' skin condition was seen, around January. ( The Skin Fungus described in the Blog article you wrote your comment on.) I feed her sunflower seeds she loves. Send it to SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com. I'm dreadfully sorry I did not get to your Blog comment right away. Trapping squirrels requires a lot of careful post-trapping care to minimize panic. We rescued 3 baby Squirrels and all 3 came from the same mom. Hi, William, Great site and resources for Squirrels. long. I don't think you have anything to worry about unless the squirrel is sleeping with you. Hi Amy! In fact, it's one way to make the diagnosis. Its been partially paralyzed for a month or two - it has PLENTY of gumption and SOME mobility in its rear legs, it can climb pretty well but coming down trees again it kind ofsurfs down? What do you think? If there is no irritation, you probably have several new mothers who have pulled their own fur to line their nests for the warmth and comfort of their babies. They keep repeating this weekly process until all the squirrels have been given a couple doses and are improving, and hair is actually growing back in the bald areas. Bill. The swellings usually appears between July and October due to the subcutaneous larvae of botfly in the host squirrel, the University of Florida extension website says. She had a vitamin D deficiency, and it was effecting her hair growth. Interesting that it may be self inflicted! Hi Linda! He still comes in my backyard to eat everyday I just returned from a trip and noticed the hair loss or else I wouldve treated it way sooner, Hi, Molly! Scientific name: Otospermophilus beecheyi. White-tailed jack rabbit; Mice, voles and rats. What would be the best kind of nuts? It leaves a very raw, tender area that may scab if there is bleeding. Thanks for writing! I have a baby squirrel that fell out of nest and he cant use his back legs now. Sounded like when you let air out of a balloon. Hi I really need help with some kind of information Ive been trying to call every place wildlife place veterinarians every place I can possibly call theres a wild squirrel and hes completely lost all his hair on his body and his tail and hes got like stores like words like he scratching it and its hurting him it really looks like mange to me and I want to treat him and I need help if I could get some pictures of him and send to you do you think you could recommend me the right kind of medications for him please help my phone number is 321-362-3836 and you have my email as well please contact me back I really want to help the squirrel its a very sweet squirrel and I really want to help the hi I really need help with some kind of information Ive been trying to call every place wildlife place veterinarians every place I can possibly call theres a wild squirrel and hes completely lost all his hair on his body and his tail and hes got like sores like words like hes scratching it and its hurting him it really looks like mange to me and I want to treat him and I need help if I could get some pictures of him and send to you do you think you could recommend me the right kind of medications for him please help my phone number is 321-362-3836 and you have my email as well please contact me back I really want to help the squirrel its a very sweet squirrel and I really want to help it!!!