Most video games rely on the gamer coming back to beat the next high score or make the next discovery for open-world games. Take basketball for instants I personally think its one of the easiest sports besides football. Generally, our writers, who will write my essay for me, have the responsibility to show their determination in writing the essay for you, but there is more they can do. Even so, rehabs are not a guarantee of freedom, and therefore people must be careful and practice self-control themselves when it comes to how much time is spent playing video games. As a result, spending an excessive amount of time in front of computers causes gamers to skip meals for the sake of continuing the game and even deliberately missing sleep and disrupt their schedule. It is difficult for players to reorient themselves when they come back to the real world. I am sitting in a small coffee shop on Nanjing Road in the heart of Shanghai's central business district as I write this post. In my opinion video games is a good way how to kill the time when one is bored. If a person becomes addicted from such type of games, they start to follow the behavior of the game characters, whose primary goals are making physical and moral harm to others, killing them with different weapons, and even being able of conducting the most severe crimes. They also sometimes end up attacking family members if the game happens to be cut short or if they are asked to leave the game to tend to their other duties for some time. When teenagers spend time in this manner, they do not learn the basic skills required to function in society and to hold jobs. Video games effects on social life Many people have always been looking for some type of entertainment, and it has been through many forms, from playing with toys, to playing. Although not as dangerous, behavioral addiction shares some standard features with substance abuse in aspects of behavioral patterns and response to treatment (Grant, Potenza, Weinstein, & Gorelick, 2010). You can use it as an example when writing Gamer Rage is a well-known thing that can have adverse effects. Risk of heart attack, obesity, and depression etc. cite it. Each child and adolescent has their mindsets, habits, and routines. 1. Being a subject of virtual reality, a game creates an illusion of a world very similar to the real but comparably useful for the players. Market Research: The State of Online Gaming-2020. The personal life of many people who play more games is not very good. The most important of these is to give time to you. Thus, personal isolation, inability to proper self-realization in real society, aggressive behavior, the disposition to conducting the crime, the possibility of becoming addicted from certain substances can be identified as the dangerous consequences of the computer gaming addiction. There is a website named On-Line Gamers Anonymous that was created by a concerned mother that offers worldwide recourses for anyone seeking help with online gameplay compulsive disorders. Back or neck pain. So by parents being active with their children, this would also cut down on the violence in the world today. Although gaming addiction is a new word, there is no difference between it and other addictions. They help people who are isolated to form friends and be a part of a community. an academic expert within 3 minutes. On one hand, some argue that video games. As many parents, there are in this world that has played sports. Electronic:- waste there are billions of mobile phone smartphones essay across the world some people purchase a new mobile phone every year the old and damaged phones contribute to a lot of electronic waste 5. Video games do not have the variable factors that life carries; you can sharpen your talents and be recognized for it, whereas in life, progressing in one's goals takes more than just hard work. for only $16.05 $11/page. Keep communication open and seek professional help when needed. But given the speed with which Internet gaming addiction cases are increasing worldwide, experts fear that it will get the status of a disease soon. It also correlates with the situation when teenagers have a particular stress situation, in which they easily fall under the influence of the video games system. (2019). Addictions do not affect only the person who is addicted. The most important thing for them is to remain in the game. It is also very important to have family time in order to emerge from it. Do Voilent Video Games Cause Violence in Children? Every individual has the need to feel like they are a valuable part of society, and gamers help and change their community by playing video games, which makes them feel like part of something important. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are A study of computer gaming addiction among young people reveals the idea of their involvement in this process as the way of emotional compensation for those who had experienced some issues in the childhood (Chiu et al. When a person spends hours gaming, they give no time to walking around or any physical activity. Because of this their mental health is not fully developed. In addition, in the case of children it may increase the lack of interest in engaging in household chores, outdoor games and social activities. But spend more time playing video games than outside being active. The amount of violence in video games is an important concern for parents. Many addicted people do not even eat properly. The healthier route to take might be monitoring their behavioral patterns more attentively. Due to the addiction of playing games, children also face problems in getting good sleep. The amount of time the addicted person gives to the game, if he gives this time for himself, his habit can improve. Their minds do not agree to do any other work. Learn more about the adverse effects of video game addiction here. Video Game Addiction Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Conclusion In conclusion, the argument of video game addiction is not only our own. //= $post_title But according to experts, when the hobby of playing the game turns into a habit, for this, the parents have to keep an eye on the childs activities. 2019 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry. Even Internet gaming disorder cases are more prevalent in Asian countries than in North America and Europe. There is no match to the happiness that sports bring. As an American citizen, I honor the flag because it represents the sacrifices of those who have fought to defend our freedoms and the ideals that make America great. This addiction has been noticed even between adults and that might be quite dangerous, one could lose job or even family just because of computer games. To help deal with this problem it is important to monitor the child. In this case, parents should not force their children into admitting their addiction by exposing their behavior. According to Gamer Institute (2014), the top skills of a professional player are Love of the Game, Unwavering dedication, Manual dexterity, Twitch reflexes, Strong multi-tasking, Analytical ability and Emotional Control. These essays will provide you the specific knowledge of the affects of playing video games. One study revealed a clear example of this issue when analyzing the relationship between the family and the influence of the abuse problem on the childs behavior. Children who are addicted to video games are affected both emotionally and physically. Video Games Addiction Essay Conclusion While video games are an excellent source for an individual to be able to wind down and relax and entertainment, there still needs to be control and regulation. As the addiction itself takes a long time, it means that youth or adults spend it by playing games. Introduction to Behavioral Addictions. There are now camps and psychologist dedicated to gaming addiction and this is only the icing on the cake of reality. The organization uses diagnostic framing to address the problems arising in the youth addicted to online gaming. A teacher will find it is often situated between their specific narrative limitations and affordances tends to occur at the meeting, 4.3 and 2.6. essay, Are Violent Video Games Bad for the Youth. 7, no. Methodology, having producing an outline of contents and chapter three. Order Today. This influences the lifestyle of children and adults, making them be out of society and spending a lot of time alone with themselves. I believe if parents get more involved in their childs physical life there will be less obese children. This situation can be very stressful if not controlled in time. To reduce the growing population of obese children in the world the parents need to encourage sports and outside play over video games. All rights reserved by Tamara Research Team. Get your custom essay on, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". Continually ignoring work or relationships is not beneficial in any way. It can lead to poor eyesight, carpal tunnel syndrome, and pain and aches due to bad posture. Video Games Cause Violence Video game violence is an increasing problem in todays youth with violence as one of the most popular themes. Video game's unlimited world that nourishes children's imagination lures them into playing instead of spending time with their family. Computer in Human Behaviour, 406-412. 2023 - All rights reserved. You don't have to stop all together, but it's all about moderation. Many video games are extremely violent and expose the Young to violence on a constant. However, Jean Twenge, a psychology professor from San Diego State University, states that the time spent playing video games should not exceed two hours a day (Rossman, 2017). Video Game Addiction Essay - Your order is written Before any paper is delivered to you, . The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Video games are a great source of entertainment and a way to fight boredom. Retrieved from According to experts, the heart of a person with gaming addiction does not fill up very easily. Lots of gaming players can overcome from social responsibilities and increase the chances of social isolation. Kids in the world today know little about sports and the rules. SOLUTIONS CONCLUSION Introduction Video games addiction is a new phenomenon has invaded our world and lots of people start worrying about it because what addiction to video games can cause and what it can affect. (Cornell,2018). They also need to be careful that they do not neglect other responsibilities that they may have. Considering the lack of evidence and moral panic special tools are being developed to further diagnose and effectively treat this dependency. Keepers, George A. Many researchers have also revealed that men are more addicted to gaming than women. Often they think that this is a good compromise. Long Essay on Video Games Addiction is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Studies have proved that people who play video games are good at making better decisions. Essays 01 March 2023, 18:04. author: Patrick Manelski. Even in cases of children and adolescents who are generally more social and attentive to family, it is not uncommon to have mental isolation caused by gaming disorder. Those who play video games need to be mindful of the amount of time that is spent. Furthermore, video game addiction may cause many symptoms that belong to Asperger's which is a mild form of autism and possibly it causes . My The prohibition from outdoor games is making children physically weak and there is a problem of socialization among them. Don't use plagiarized sources. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. are observed in some of them. collected. This is an example of how difficult it is to come to a single conclusion with this argument, and why it is a debate that still goes on today. Video games have been entertaining and challenging gamers since the Game Boy to modern console games. You can use the essay on video game addiction in your school assignments on video games or in discussions on the subject with your classmates and teachers. A recent study has shown that playing action video games (a genre of video game typified by fast-paced, violent gameplay) can dramatically improve a person's vision. Those who are addicted end up playing video games for multiple hours at a stretch without taking a break except for something necessary. However, these gains in emotional engagement, physical and mental health services in 26 states (home to about the subject. They are engaging and immersive on a level different from that of traditional board games and other forms of entertainment. (2021, Jul 04). Hello, I'm Jordan I plan on making long, entertaining video essays about your favourite video games. Children become flabby with this habit and this also causes problems in their careers in future. Children start away from social life and prefer to live alone. Video games have improved attention and decision making skills. Essay, Research paper, Coursework, Discussion Board Post, Questions-Answers, Case Study, Term paper, Powerpoint . This is unquestionably true, yet playing video games has also been shown to decrease some cognitive brain functions. Home Health Addiction Video Game Addiction Essays on Video Game Addiction Many People Like Vulgar and Crude Humor Words 699 Pages 3 Disinhibition can be understood as communicating to others without any social inhibitions or filters due a lack of consideration to the consequences. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers exhibit signs that meet the World Health Organization's criteria for addiction. 2023. However, when games are played in moderation and with mindfulness, they are a viable source of stress relief as well as a catalyst for mental health improvement and development of social skills. Online video games create a new reality and can be interested as a "second life" of the user. Video games are a form of media that is often associated with negative health consequences. If you are inspired by our argumentative essay about computer gaming addiction and want to create your own you should check out a list of interesting argumentative essay topics. Also most of the video games today prompt violence and use profanity. With 72% of homes having video games (, it is not surprising that video game addiction runs rampant throughout children and even some adults. Save time and let our verified experts help you. This is an extreme that we cannot go to as it harms everyone involved. They tend to try functioning in the real world as they would in games. original papers. For the last two decades, with the advancement in technology, parents have begun to struggle with protecting their children from video game addiction at an accelerating rate. Individuals that experience this can end up destroying things at home and even hurting family members. Not walking around can result in obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and posture issues for years. If your child has symptoms of video game addiction, see a psychiatrist without delay. assignments. The Mind, Explained follows various topics to help us understand the inner workings of our minds. Go somewhere to roam. Games such as Grand Theft Auto and. Like the additions of tea and coffee, now people are also getting additions of video games. What is more, such a process can also be followed by forming of another issue like isolation among children. Do not allow children to use more mobiles, laptops and internet and keep an eye on them. Game addiction in the psychiatry literature has been described as an impulse control disorder characterized by the symptoms such as "the inability to control the time spent on game-playing", "a loss of interest in other activities", "continuing to play despite the adverse effects" and "feeling psychologically deprived when not being able to play". This year today there are a lot of kids who dont know how to play sports or are too obese to play sports. When I was a kid I had video games but I spent most of my time outside playing. Check our FAQ for . While some people argue that euthanasia should be legalized as a way to provide patients with a peaceful death, others believe that it is unethical and goes against the sanctity of life. Raising children in disadvantaged families together with a tendency to abuse causes addiction among the children, which may lead to more dangerous consequences. In this case, we must take some precautions or else this problem can be harmful to the individuals overall health. Rauh (2014) explains that video game addiction is the excessive use of computer or video games. If these symptoms are seen in any child then we should have to teach them to spend more time with family and friends. I'm Amy, Entertainment Software Association. I played basketball for 7 years. Video game addiction often leads to social isolation, as players focus more on the game than on real-world interactions. But for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Other signs of video game addiction include being constantly distracted by video games, only feeling happy when gaming, and spending more time gaming than socializing and interacting with friends and family. Resulting in one parent handling all the load of the house, which is extremely stressful and challenging. The common children will enjoy this most, but the truth is that gaming could lead to a level where one can feel lonely and becomes an introvert personality. Inadequate sleep is harmful to their overall health. Gaming addition has become a big problem today, but it can be removed and for this extra ordinary strong willpower and patience are needed. One of the main debates surrounding video games is whether or not they cause violence or behavioural problems. Are you Struggling with this assignment ? and Early Education. It is not just the youngsters playing big games on the computer but adults are also involved. The scientists make an argument that there is a close relationship between sensation seeking and drug abuse, smoking, playing video games, sexual activities, high-adventure sports, and crimes (Chiu et al. Essay. Sometimes they also have to face depression. The controversy of gaming remains focussed on the violence and how it affects those who may or may not become addicted. Addiction to anything happens when it starts being used excessively and when without it something seems incomplete in life. Explains that psychology plays a big role in video game addiction. For children, it is likely to choose the second option, what they do in many cases because of inability to defend themselves and stand to be under the psychological pressure. For any subject, Hire a verified expert to write you a 100% Plagiarism-Free paper. Parents should decide which gadget / game or device to give to the child and at what age. Or behavioural problems be careful that they do not neglect other responsibilities that they do allow... Then we should have to teach them to spend more time with their family health is not just youngsters! That video game 's unlimited world that nourishes children 's imagination lures them into instead. To violence on a constant and pain and aches due to bad.... 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