That is what they teach in those classes. 2. Hee-Haw! The price I was quoting was for a full service person. If I want to do well I am responsible for my own actions. 6. And do not use the fact you can use it for savings. If you know of a sneaky agent that lies, cheats, and steals from their clients if you give the state that you live in I will give you the phone number to the DOI and you can do the honorable thing and turn them in. P.S. Since I am not an agent, am not sure if they pay for them, but most business have over head. Being Less does not make it equal. And Since I am not an agent, I do not need to post my name. Depending on the integrity of the rep you concur with depends on what you get. They say the fees are minimal, the other monthly fees are also minimal, the commission is low, but if you have thousands of people, then you do get the money. Looking at how many are being indited along with closing down, I would say none. Does he have to pay for insurance, office space? Think about it why payout higher commissions to green people when for one they have no reference to gage compensation with. Sorry to say but the reason you are new to the industry and not receiving salary plus commission is because you have a history of slacking off in either your academic studies or other employment; Wrong. When I did my last policy comparison, the competition was coming in a hair cheaper. It comes with a 0.30% annual fee and a $500 minimum deposit. The enviroment which is shown to you is controlled I do not get the service. Well let me go through the list of problems here. That is a pain in the ass. I guess not, since you thought that Primerica can only do certain funds. Now Michael has said he goes for the client, but if AIG is so great for the client and he makes 25% or 50% of what he makes for selling XYZ, who thinks he will not sell XYZ? Then theres the tried and true, once upon a time You might as well have chosen one of those names. Back it up. It costs more. I need as much advice and insight I can get. So you do have pay him part of your money to get the training. I am not stupid, I learn from my mistakes and correct myself. I do not have to recruit. Every story I have heard is they are not explained these rules. I have a friend with them also and I totally agree with your comment about being brainwashed. I say fox in the hen house. They got me out of a cash value policy, got me a mutual fund for emergency fund. Id have the BBB investigate your RVP on that oneand this is coming from a Primerica RVP (me). Why dont you also ask a top Univerity to give you a PHD degree immediately, because you say so. The only bad thing is that it has no place, and was created when the insurance companies was losing money to the Buy Term and Invest the Difference. And who wants a copy when they can pay for the original. How is it team driven to take away income from someone? Also if you try to have conversations with peopel of limited means, they will drag you down to there level and beat you with experience being there. If Primerica is just a starting company, then I would 95% join, but now it seems it is top off. You have continued to slam Primerica and are a typical agent out Primerica. You sound like the guys on all these websites. The Adjustable Rate Mortgage, the no proof loans, and the three to four payment loans, we all the rage a couple years ago. Also why is it that the only people that sell Cash value see it as something that is good? You have been now slapped with the white glove accept the challange. But then again, Magicians never want you to watch the correct hand. No requirement to have an office. Then you can be ok. Please define right way? Auto and home Insurance: ???? If they recruit an agent they train the agent. . Primerica reps just get the company together to the consumer and the company takes care of any legal or customer issues. Oh yes I do know a few things about M.Fs, Annuitites, __________________ You can use a wrench as a hammer but it does not make it the right tool. You are using life insurance for a purpose it is not designed for. Someone that can sell his plan, is one of the above people. Bill, am I woman or a man? The P320 series is a family of pistols that encapsulates different sizes and designs, like the XCarry, the AXG, and of course, military variants. When people talk about making the most money recruiting, its because when someone is hired in, they bring in their friends and family first. Some are guaranteed so he can keep it. As you may remember, I have contacted corporate more than once about these posting. I sell Metlife VA cheaper and ear(earn)substanially more. Lets talk price again. But would you feel safe if your Brakes on the car only worked some of the time? That is why our nation savings rate is -1% and debt per household in $9300. The level of care your senior loved one needs may depend on the extent of cognitive impairment. Something product sales people dont and will never understand, which is why you can never have client loyalty so your constanly have to continue to push and sell the up and coming new product to the same clients. A new example what happens if you buy insurance and the company disappears, closes it doors. In addition, Citigroup has agreed to make whole any individual investors, small businesses and charitable organizations that sustained losses on auction-rate securities that they purchased prior to February 11, 2008 and sold after February 11, 2008. He really wants me to improve and succeed because its in everybodys best interest. You can do that with Primerica. The profits for their term goes to Cash value Companies. Besides it is tax deductable, dollar for dollar. Again Where are you getting your information? Does that mean you mission is to line your pockets with your clients money? Since Micheal or Thomas, which ever name he goes under can seem to read simple English and understand simple written word, I think he did something foolish and got terminated. What you did sounds like school yard stuff. Less stress in their lives. Most brokers do this so they do not lose the clients they have. Let me explain. . Since my child rider gives me the first 10 kids for the same price, that is a value. I dont think anyone says that people cant make any money at PFS the issue is the culture and the notion that its a client first program. I purchased life insurance for myself and wife from Primerica. Just like worrying about them, will cause you more problems than the actual problems. How about conversion features? And I didnt get my own office, I already had one. I started with Northwestern Mutual and I didnt have a clue about finances. May be this is why you do not know what is happening right now. As for being a Christian blog, many atrocities have been done in his name. Quotes,Quotes,Quotes is exactly what the Insurance companies yelled out for over 100 years and now the last several years the same have the real estate agents and loan officers. AS for your beliefs, Satanic worshippers beleif in their beliefs. But unlike Joes Insurance and A.C. Repair, Primerica keeps an Eye on what the agents do, and do not do. Now a days with the do not call list, it is harder to get to the clients. And I thank GOD you are not my agent. No value verses value. Its easy. Primerica in worth 9 billion and has not sold on bad mortgage to date. The REAL topic is the viability of Primerica as a business opportunity, and service-provider for clients. ask your PFS rep. he should know a few things abvout ROP. Stockholders equity totaled $2.1 billion, up 14.3% from the level on Dec 31, 2020. Its not a MLM but use some of the ideals from them. Now how much did he make on that visit? . The only group that does need to worry about this are the rich 2%. And if they dont have at least $25,000.00 to invest you will not help them. Why should I go into the the difference between Mutual Funds, Annuities and actively Managed accounts? 5. You must not know anything about the insurance business. The only thing that being a non captive, is that you have no loyalty to any company. If you are a captive agent you only can sell that product. You remind me of the way Car Salespeople were considered. 8. We hire people that most people wont. Working out of you home is so ghetto.. Doesnt THAT sound like a better reaction than Dont buy one of those pieces of crap! Trump is worth a lot more, but it a lot less liquid. Our main mission is to talk to the households that are being untouched in america to become FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT. And please do not say the client should have a choice. Williams was sold once before and stock went through the roof. Just something to think about. They would charge more for people with bad credit scores, because they might use insurance more than peopel with good credit. But the connection is what matters. Another is weekly training. Then the risk is based on the 100 not on me. Hes doing what he wants to doi dont care whyregardless, its HIS CHOICE. Its human nature and lifeplease get over this one as well. (Over 1.5 times) Maybe you need the post again. I do not nor do I admit to selling products to clients that are not good for them. Well it looks like it may be a business consideration to bypass the organization (Primerica). Who is the easiest sales and the people who will give you lea way? These are the questions you should be asking instead of how I can work the system and do the least amount of work. I am so sorry that you are bitter but it is usually those that are losing that do the compalining. The higher the number, the more powerful (and faster) the charging should be. Example, Insurance companies giving you examples is not a good source. Primerica seems to be mostly concerned with recruiting more counselors so that they can keep the scheme going. If one was to read your posts, they would find you very Untruthful. 1. The best recruiters will communicate directly to the prospect if they are interested or not(Then your blogs would say we are to direct). Another example of this is college graduates. ______________________ Please give me some facts. Theres no requirement to purchase Primerica products..Let the spin begin. You speak of Primerica spinning off of Citibank? That does not make sence because females live longer than men. now what if they offer the Legal plans as a group benefit? Primerica does not just compete with Cash value but with the No-Value term you sell. It keeps the lies and the slander down. I have read alot about Primerica the last few days or so. Most sell cash value, a known product that destroys families, making them have car washes and other fund raisers to bury their dead, and pays the bills. The market that Primerica serves. Its about pushing their own product period. But I have heard recently that Primerica has only 2% of the premiums out there but 6% of the Face value. I was intrigued by it since Ive been through Dave Ramsey and am on a crusade to get totally debt free. You get an override when people below you sell a policy. Just to beat the chest and say Primerica is the best just will not cut it. So what you MUST rely on is our ratings with the entities that regulate us: ambest, NASD, SEC, etc. Since your lack of knowledge is evident here, How are we to trust your memory. Im an RVP with Primerica. Typical Bad SalesMan tactics. Needs to be triple checked and made sure of no errors. And again these are little trained soldiersyou cant find a more dedicated rep than these two. Now could I get it for cheaper, yes but I need to give up something to do that. Also these policies that you say are half, let me ask you this are they cash value companies that are sell term as a loss leader? Look at I really like the saying Buy Term and Invest the Difference. You can bring up any example but this is looking at it from large numbers not an individual situation. So please do not say that since this is a Christian blog I could not lie. Commercial Mortgage Key Insurance is bad too. Ill await your answer. That Primerica is not the only game in town. I just wanted to state my truthful experiences with PFS recruitment process. , Well You need E and O insurance. Will you all watch The Pursuit of Happyness please? I am curious is this how you win your clients? I can chose whomever I want to represent, that will meet my clients needs. So as you say PFS saved you they also may limit you in business. They do not have the money necessary to make it worth their time. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying Primerica agents do anything wrong or unethical, its just that when you hear a speaker say that you are the only company doing whats right or you have no competition something you may have read will stick in your craw and then the leaving process will begin. See you at the top, because the bottoms too crowded!!! My question is what have you compared what you have found with? They are getting harder and harder to read and understand. who looses their job and who actually makes money for the company? And after training is done, the RVP or Regional Leader will go with them until they feel comfortable, and they do not get any part of the sale. Do you think using a loophole is perfectly ok? Well I can see why you only base everything on price. One of the reason why I buy insurance is so that I do not have to assume the risk. It is just they do not just jump on every new fangle Insurance product. I use him since I get a free account through my work. I have the ability to offer more than just life products. John, Since my agent makes more money an hour than you do, why woudl I have them waste their time here. Yes there is cost of the policy, something you harp on. Yes I once listend to the old A.L Williams tapes given to me. I can understand that most of your clients could care less how you talk and write, but Trying to figure out what you mean is difficult with the mis-statements and mis-quotes. One more thing why do not you sell for a company that does not sell cash value. It is scary. You are right #2 its usually 8% to borrow but it not your money. Could this be something he does not want anyone looking at this Business, to know that they do change and they do adapt to new things. My RVP makes 200K a year so he can sell hes position tomorrow for $2 Million. But why not talk about the products you sell, if you can defend them. rewarded for doing a good job. So even at starting position this is good paying opportunity from my point of view. Its just a small fee to go back to PFS. If you are limited to one company that makes you a salesman and as such you must sugar coat your products beyond objectivity. Life Insurance is not for estate protection, but income protection. ________________________________. GROW UP. (James said this is important. I do not want to sell only one a/c brand. (This means money is tax deffered or tax free which ever way you set it up. But then again nothing is surprising me about you. Hello everyone! As we know death is a guaranteed event and Term pays out about 3% of the time. If you cant get your facts straight on simple things like what is covered when you join Priemrica, how do you expect anyone to trust what else you post. I talk to a freind I sell to in my business. You must have the flexibility to change and flexible products to meet your clients needs. Your own posting says that term is going down. The only people who call it temporary is those trying to up sell the client into cash value. And I know your not against the middle man because you would not have a car or a house or anything else you probably own or wish to ever own. Were you part of that group Michael? Ranked #16 United of Omaha Life Insurance Company 79.66 a month Assisted living facilities typically come in several different forms including board and care homes, retirement homes, and group homes. You accept this appointment, which may be terminated by Primerica Life without advance notice. -, b) Your downlines have a much more valid income opportunity as an independent (by the way, my top Rep will get her Ring THIS month! That is where you get the money. -. Since you are just SUCH an expert, maybe you should consider doing the research yourself??? I have been called ignorant, a crook, and other negative things, so who really wins. Do you think Michael made every sale to get to 100,000 dollars? The inability to read and understand. In my company, only two groups sell on price. -, Since we never talk about this point. This is how the math works: Clients pay money, companies get the money and divide it in different ways. We have a local farm and garden store here called Atwoods. Thats called the free enterprise system. Suze Orman, and many others. I hope it works out. We make money recruiting and through products. Lets compare side-by-side (without mentioning the product provider) and let everyone who is reading this thread decide. Tom give it up. These policies provide a level premium for a specified period. YMMV. As with insurance products some companies price differently and there are many factors why an individual may have one cost compared to another. Options are great. Professionalism actually defends itself when give some points. So Who do I believe a Salesperson who is only selling insurance, or a several people, that I paid money to verify I am on the right path. I ahve given referrals to my agent. And it shows your greed. 1. . And we all know you are on a mission. - I look for people with skills and desire and train them. Find them and post them. Just make an appointment to get all the facts. They pay 100% first-year advance (at least with our agency). Since neither believes in being loyal and not slamming the company that have taught them what they know. Whole life or any form of cash value is something that was created so that the insurance company can share in the profits of people being afraid of not having money in a depression, or having no money when they retire. In a terminal situation there may be other expenses especially if there are LTC cost without a LTC policy. And you are required no degree, or special training since they teach you. You say term is temporary but any competent adviser say to buy it and invest the difference. What is the value of that leg? If you do not sell but you recruit, do you make money, NO. Or would post here and say their lies. Term is cheapest in the beginning, as you get older it and have quote run it will be more expensive. So Please for your clients sake get glasses. Which is what Christians continue doing, the Founders of this Great Country called America, and the Founders and the Leaders of this Great Company called Primerica. Remember if you only go by price, you will always will be beaten. Sorry I screwed up. You were offered Primerica. I just wonder if your advice is limited in scope. Is it that they are eating your lunch? But the main reason I joined is because my husbands grandfather got robbed by two of the whole life insurance agency. The only bad thing was he did not take any advise but this is a free country and if someone does not want supplemental insurance it is their decision. Isnt that what Jesus did? Are you going to ever admit you were wrong there as well as many other places. How would you feel if something happened to you while you were taking your life classes, waiting to get you license before getting life insurance? So my coverage has grown and my monthly cost haas gone down. It seemed to me at the time that after I sold mutual funds to all of my friends and aquaintences, I was pretty much out of leads. Maybe you might want to proof read your post. I can answer you,,,COST, Well let me ask you this, do you know there are Guaranteed Universal life products that are designed to have low/no cash value. They are looking for people wanting to win. Just like worrying about them, will cause you more problems than the actual problems me to and... Sec, etc it up make on that oneand this is coming a! Example, insurance companies giving you examples is not for estate protection, but now it seems it is deductable. Have heard recently that Primerica can only do certain funds an hour than you have... 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